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Speed checker for Highways

         Project Cost :  Rupee 5,200

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Project Code: 1275

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Every week we hear news about accidents on Highways. Many times the main reason is overspeed. Many highways have signboards for maximum speed limit for driver's safety. But still people don't follow speed limit.
This project is developed considering this problem. In this project two sensors are used to detect the speed of vehicle. These 2 sensors should be placed at a distance of 100 meteres from each other.
A LCD display attached to this project will display the speed of the vehicle. Also it will indicate if the speed has crossed the limit or not. Buzzer is turned on to indicate the overspeed of vehicle.

Block Diagram:

Speed checker for highways

Description in detail: When the first sensor receives low pulse then the timer is started. And when second receiver receives low pulse, timer is stopped. Then speed is calculated using the formula:
Speed of vehicle = Distance between 2 sensors / Time taken by the timer

Applications and Advantages:
1. This project can be used on many National level highways or state level highways.
2. This project can also be used inside university campus or inside any company's premises.

Future Development:
1. We can place a camera at the highway so that if any vehicle crosses the limit then picture can be taken.
2. Voice announcement can be added to this project to indicate the driver about the over speed.

Question and answers about this project:

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