Assembly code for interfacing EEPROM 24c16 with 8051
EEPROM 24c16 Pinout If you are looking for an assembly code for Interfacing EEPROM with 8051 then you are at the right place. The Assembly code for EEPROM 24c16 is presented below. This Sample code for EEPROM 24c16 can be used in electronics projects. The following code can be used for 8051 and 8052 ICs like 89c51, 89c52, 89s51, 89s52, and 89c2051. With a little bit of modification, this assembly program can be used for 24c02, 24c04, 24c08, 24c32 You can do EEPROM 24c16 interfacing with 8051 using the code given below. Assembly code for Interfacing EEPROM with 8051 ;========================================================== ; Pin Definitions ;========================================================== eeprom_scl_pin equ a4h ;scl p2.4 eeprom_sda_pin equ a5h ;sda p2.5 ;========================================================== ; Main Program starts from here ;========================================================== mov memory_address1,#00h mov memory_address2,#00h mov eeprom_data,#05 call…