Project Cost: 7,300
Project Code: 1431

Description of the project:
AC Fan speed control using Android mobile has its main application in the domestic areas. It can also be used in shops, offices, and industries. Users can vary the speed of an AC fan by using an Application installed on his/her Android mobile.
Block Diagram:

You will get a CD with this project containing the following documents:
- Project Report in pdf format and in word format ( .doc or .docx )
- Circuit diagram
- PCB layout
- Microcontroller Program in assembly language
- Hex file of the microcontroller code
- Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in this project
- Android Application installation file ( .apk file)
- Power point presentation / PPT file
Project Photographs:

Description in detail:
Various important blocks of the system are:
- Microcontroller
- Android Mobile with Application installed
- Bluetooth Receiver and Decoder
- LCD Display
- Optocoupler
- Triac
Applications of AC Fan speed control using Android mobile:
- This project can be used in home Industries, offices, and Shops.
Advantages of AC Fan speed control using Android mobile:
- This project is really helpful for old people and disabled persons.
Future Development:
- We can provide a voice feedback system.
Video of the project: AC Fan speed control using Android mobile
YouTube video coming soon
Questions and answers about this project:
Question: How many speed variations you have provided?
Answer : We have provided 5 speed variations.
what is the range of bluetooth visible