Project Cost: 8,200
Project Code: 1465

Description of the project:
Android controlled Electronic Notice Board project has a Rolling display that can be used as Electronic Notice Board. This Rolling display is made up of Matrix LEDs. Android mobile can change the message displayed on the Electronic Notice Board. This Electronic Notice Board is made up of Matrix LEDs. This is also called Rolling Display. Whenever a user turns on the power display then the system displays a default welcome message on the Rolling display. Whenever a user needs to change the message on the Electronic Notice board, they have to type a message on an application installed on an Android mobile and send it to the microcontroller using Bluetooth technology.
Size, Dimensions, and LEDs:
- Actual Size of Matrix LED display = 360mm x 60 mm
- Total LEDs in the Matrix LED display = 384 LEDs
- Columns (Height) = 8 LEDs and Rows (Width) = 48 LEDs
Video of the project: Android controlled Electronic Notice Board using Matrix LED Rolling display
Block Diagram:

You will get the following documents with this project:
- Project Report in pdf format and in word format ( .doc or .docx )
- Circuit diagram
- PCB layout
- Microcontroller Program in assembly language
- Hex file of the microcontroller code
- Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in this project
- Android Application installation link or file ( .apk file)
- Power point presentation / PPT file
Photographs of the Android controlled Electronic Notice Board Project:

Controlling section / Transmitter unit
Description in detail:

This project consists of the following main blocks
- Android mobile with the application installed (Android app)
- Bluetooth receiver and Bluetooth decoder.
- Microcontroller
- Rolling display using Matrix LEDs
- Buzzer
- LCD display
Applications and Advantages of Android controlled Electronic Notice Board:
- This project can be used in public places as well as hospitals and private companies, schools, colleges, and universities.
Future Development:
- We can add multiple displays to increase the size and length of messages displayed.
Questions and answers about this project:
Question: Can we operate this project on a rechargeable 12-volt battery?
Answer: Yes, we can operate this project on a battery of 12 volt.
how about i want to use arduino and wireless instead of bluetooth?
how do i get the project
am in GHANA
Can the same above project be modified to be controlled by smart android phones as well as normal non android phones??
Won’t we get the source code for the Android application which will normally be in XML and Java with the project of Electronic Notice Board via Android mobile using Bluetooth?
which ic is used?
wat is the advantage of this project?
this project can be done another controller
or processors
Android controlled Electronic Notice Board using Matrix LED Rolling display.
Can we use Bluetooth only using android devices for changing the message?
It is reliable?
Help me for this project of yours, in my thesis.
Thank you.
Sir,can u tell me what is the maximum capacity of characters in 8*40 led display??plz sir reply fast.thankyu
Is it possible to connect big lcd to thise project?
If yes then how should be it connected?