Alcohol Detection System with Buzzer Indication

Alcohol Sensor, Sensor based Projects
Project Cost: 4,900 Project Code: 1251 Order Now Description of the project: The Alcohol Detection System with Buzzer Indication project is a sensor-based project in which we have used an Alcohol sensor for the detection of alcohol. If the alcohol percentage crosses the threshold value then the buzzer will be turned on. We have used an Analog to digital converter IC in this project so that the alcohol percentage can be shown on an LCD display. We have used LCD for Displaying project titles and other messages. It also shows the alcohol percentage and if the alcohol percentage crosses a certain level then it shows an alert message on the LCD. In this project, an alcohol sensor senses the alcohol. In this project, we have used a microcontroller from an…
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Office cab tracking system using GPS and GSM technology

Embedded Projects, GPS based Projects, GSM based Projects, Security Systems, SMS based projects, Wireless Communication
 Project Cost: 10,900 Project Code: 1863 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the project In day-to-day life working women's security is very important. Especially BPO and IT industry women employees are working late at night. Their company provides them cab facility for transportation. However, security for them is not enough, especially at night times. So we have designed an Office cab tracking system using GPS project. In this project, we have mainly tracked the cab vehicle and SMS is sent to the company authority as well as to the relative of the employee. If a women employee finds herself in a difficult or some kind of dangerous (problematic) situation then she can press only one switch and then an alert message with vehicle coordinates is sent…
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Low cost LPG leakage detector with buzzer indication using Microcontroller

Embedded Projects, Industrial Application Projects, LPG Gas Sensor, Sensor based Projects
There are various projects based on sensors and this is a low cost Microcontroller based project. Microcontroller based LPG leakage detector with buzzer indication using MQ6 (LPG Gas) sensor has applications in various areas including Industrial applications, and domestic applications. This system is very useful in hotels, homes, cars, and LPG agencies. This system has advanced safety standards. The most important feature is that it helps to prevent accidents caused due to fire. It is also useful in protecting human life, wealth, and property. ₹ 3,200 Project Code: 1092 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the project: We have used an MQ6 (LPG Gas) sensor to detect LPG leakage. This sensor has a quick response time and it responds in a very short period of time. The…
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RFID based security system using Arduino

Arduino, RFID based Projects, Security Systems
Project Cost: 6,900 Project Code: 5505 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the "RFID Security Access System using Arduino" project RFID based security system using Arduino project has an RFID reader attached to it. RFID reader reads the unique alphanumeric code of RFID tags and sends it to Arduino. Then Arduino detects whether an RFID card is valid or invalid. If the card is invalid then the system turns on the buzzer. However, if the RFID card shown by the user is valid then the DC motor is turned on and at the same time Relay is turned on. DC Motor is shown as a demo of a door lock (latch) opening. Also, a Relay is provided as an additional feature so that the user can…
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GPS Ambulance Tracker

Embedded Projects, GPS based Projects, GSM based Projects, Medical Application Projects, SMS based projects, Wireless Communication
Project Cost: Rs. 10,900 Project Code: 1821 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the project Some of you may wonder why a GPS ambulance tracker is so important. But actually, a 10-second delay may decide the life or death of a person. We are familiar with the concept of an emergency ambulance, an ambulance that is used to move patients rapidly to critical care in an emergency room under required medical conditions. They can also be used for routine transport of non-urgent cases, such as transfers between hospitals and nursing homes and accidents. In most nations, ambulances are given priority on the road, in recognition of the fact that time is important when moving a critically ill or seriously injured patient. So Ambulances are critical tools…
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GPS and GSM based School bus tracking system

Embedded Projects, GPS based Projects, GSM based Projects, SMS based projects, Wireless Communication
Project Cost: Rs. 10,900 Project Code: 1820 Order Now Download the synopsis of the project Description of the project Children are our most precious resource, but as children, they lack the skills to protect themselves. So it is our responsibility, as parents, teachers, and as a person, to safeguard children and to teach them the skills to be safe. Today, most students are traveling to school by school buses or school vans. Parents think that their kids are safe when they travel by school bus. But are they really safe? There are many common problems such as students getting kidnapped out of school, buses getting delayed in traffic, and your kid being the last one to get down by bus and being alone in the bus. So we can’t exactly…
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GPS tracker for Blind people using GSM technology

Embedded Projects, GPS based Projects, GSM based Projects, SMS based projects, Wireless Communication
Project Cost: 10,900 Project Code: 1862 Order Now Download the synopsis of the project Description of the project: This is one of the best electronics project ideas for blind people. This project has a GPS modem and a GSM modem. GPS tracker for Blind people project sends SMS to the family members of the Blind person. This SMS contains the Longitude and Latitude of the person. This project also has a Keypad that has 4 keys. This keypad can be used by a visually impaired person to send emergency messages to family members. 4 Keys have respective 4 emergency messages. GPS modem continuously sends data string to the Microcontroller. This data contains various type of information. It includes Longitude Latitude of the place where project is currently situated. Thus Microcontroller…
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GPS based Vehicle theft detection system using GSM technology

Embedded Projects, GPS based Projects, GSM based Projects, Security Systems, SMS based projects, Wireless Communication
Project Cost: 11,900 Project Code: 1805 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the project GPS vehicle theft tracker project detects vehicle theft. Then it activates the vehicle Tracking system. The microcontroller reads the vehicle coordinates using the GPS modem. Then Microcontroller sends a text SMS to the owner of the vehicle using the GSM modem. This SMS contains a link to track the vehicle in Google Maps. We have provided the Ignition lock with the GPS based Vehicle theft detection system project. The system activates a vibration sensor once the user removes the key from the lock. After this, if the system detects the vibration then it acknowledges it as invalid access to the vehicle. The system treats it as vehicle theft. The system immediately activates…
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Voice controlled wireless Electronic notice board using Android

Android based projects, Bluetooth controlled, Embedded Projects, Voice module projects, Wireless Communication
Project Cost: 8,400 Project Code: 1065 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the project: The main concept behind Voice controlled wireless Electronic notice board using a rolling display is to show scrolling messages and to control them by using our own voice. We have already seen GSM based Electronic Notice board, however, speech controlled Notice board has the additional advantage of the ease of use. The user has to give voice commands in his/her own voice to control the scrolling messages displayed on the electronic notice board. Voice recognition is done in the Android application. The user has to install this Android application on his/her smartphone or tablet. Then the user has to give voice commands to this android app. The android app then passes these…
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Voice Operated Home Appliance Control System

Android based projects, Bluetooth controlled, Embedded Projects, Industrial Application Projects, Voice module projects, Wireless Communication
Project Cost: 6,600 Project Code: 1020 Order Now Synopsis of Voice Operated Home Appliance Control System projectDownload Synopsis of the project The device controlled by a switch or remote is the old concept now. The next-generation technology is here. The "Voice Operated Home Appliance Control System" project utilizes human voice command to control electrical devices. The user has to give voice commands to an Android application. This application recognizes the voice commands and sends them to the Voice operated device controlling project. A receiver and decoder decode these commands and give them to the 8051 microcontroller over a serial port. Then the microcontroller takes a decision on which devices to control depending upon input received from the Android application. Description of the Voice Operated Home Appliance Control System project: Device…
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Microcontroller based Line Follower Robot

Embedded Projects, Industrial Application Projects, Infrared Sensor, Sensor based Projects
Project Cost: 6,900 Project Code: 1262 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the project: A line follower robot follows a track or path drawn by a black line. A feedback loop is the main part of controlling the robot. This project consists of a Robot that follows a black line drawn on a plain white surface. The Robot starts following the Line whenever the power supply on the Robot is turned on. That is why it is called a Line follower robot. This robot utilizes an array of Infrared transmitters and receivers. A simple Line follower Robot can be built without Microcontroller. Talking about controlling or operating robots, we can say that roughly there are two types of robotic operations: manually operated robots and automatically operated…
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Android based Home Security System using Bluetooth Technology

Android based projects, Bluetooth controlled, Embedded Projects, Infrared Sensor, LPG Gas Sensor, Security Systems, Temperature Sensor, Wireless Communication
Project Cost: 8,600 Project Code: 1451 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the project: You must have heard the proverb "Prevention is better than cure". This project serves the same purpose. Using this project we can avoid many severe incidents to happen. LPG gas leakage detection, fire detection in house, theft detection in house. Android based Home Security System using Bluetooth Technology has applications mainly in security areas. It is designed for Home applications however it is also applicable for various areas like Industries, Companies, Offices, and even at Shopping malls. A buzzer is turned on whenever any one of the 3 sensors crosses a threshold value. An alert is sent to the Application installed on the user's android mobile. Keypad based door opening is shown…
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Computer based device controlling using Zigbee wireless communication

Embedded Projects, Industrial Application Projects, Wireless Communication, Zigbee
Project Cost: 9,400 Project Code: 1320 Order Now Description of the project: The Computer based device controlling using Zigbee project is used to control various electrical appliances through Computer. Zigbee is used as a wireless communication medium between a computer and a microcontroller. We have connected one Zigbee Trans-receiver to the computer and one Zigbee Trans-receiver to the project. The user has to give commands through Hyper terminal software on his / her computer. These commands are sent through XBee wireless communication. Microcontroller decodes these commands and turns on respective relay if the commands are valid. We have provided 5 relays and 1 Buzzer in this project. Also we have provided a DC Fan, a DC Bulb. These are connected to 2 relays. Remaining 3 relays are open. You can…
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Android based Ultrasonic Distance Meter with Buzzer indication

Android based projects, Bluetooth controlled, Embedded Projects, Sensor based Projects, Ultrasonic Sensor based Projects, Wireless Communication
Project Cost: 5,800 Project Code: 1486 Order Now Description of the project: Android based Ultrasonic Distance Meter is used to measure the distance of an object. This distance is shown on LCD as well as on Android mobile applications. We have provided a Buzzer in this project which is turned on when the distance of an object is less than 10 centimeters. Block Diagram: You will get the following documents with this project: Project Report in pdf format and in word format ( .doc or .docx ) Circuit diagram PCB layout Microcontroller Program in assembly language Hex file of the microcontroller code Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project Power point presentation / PPT file Description in detail: Various important blocks of the system are: Ultrasonic…
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RFID based Device Control and Authentication

Embedded Projects, RFID based Projects
Project Cost: 7,400 Project Code: 1535 Order Now Description of the project: RFID based Device Control and Authentication has applications in many areas like Industries, Companies, and Offices. In this project, 5 relays will be operated depending on 5 RFID cards. We have provided a Buzzer that will be turned on when the user shows an invalid RFID card. Whenever the user shows the RFID card the device is turned on using Relay. To turn off the device user has to show the same RFID card again. We have provided a DC fan and a DC bulb with this project. These 2 devices are connected to two relays. The remaining 3 relays are kept open. You can connect any AC or DC device to these relays. Description in detail: Various…
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