Project Cost: 4,900
Project Code: 1185

Download the Synopsis of the project
Description of the project:
Nowadays in many multiplex systems, there is a severe problem with car parking systems. There are many lanes for car parking, so to park a car one has to look for all the lanes. Moreover, there is a lot of men’s labor involved in this process for which there is a lot of investment. So the need is to develop a system which indicates directly which parking slot is vacant in any lane. The Automatic Car Parking Indicator system project involves a system including an infrared transmitter and receiver in every lane and an LED & LCD display outside the car parking gate.
The person entering the parking area can view the LED display and can decide which lane to enter so as to park the car. Conventionally, car parking systems do not have any intelligent monitoring system. Parking lots are monitored by human beings. All vehicles enter into the parking and waste time searching for a parking slot. Sometimes it creates a blockage. The condition becomes worse when there are multiple parking lanes and each lane has multiple parking slots.
The use of automated systems for car parking monitoring will reduce human efforts. The display unit is installed at the entrance of the parking lot which will show LEDs for all Parking slots and for all parking lanes. An empty slot is indicated by the respective glowing LED.
Video of the project: Automatic car parking indicator using Microcontroller
Block Diagram:

You will get the following documents with this project:
- Project Report in pdf format and in doc (word) format
- Circuit diagram
- PCB layout
- Microcontroller program in assembly language
- Hex file of the microcontroller code
- Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project
Photographs of Automatic Car Parking Indicator system project:

Description in detail:
We are going to use Infra-Red transmitters and Receivers for each parking slot. The IR Receivers are connected to 8051 microcontrollers. IR rays are obstructed when a car is parked in any parking slot. Thus AVR will come to know which slot is empty and which slot is full.
We have chosen the IR module instead of an RF module because we want a receiver having a line of sight communication with the transmitter. But RF does not require line of sight communication. And in the case of LDR, there is scope for false triggering due to sunlight or headlight of a car. So considering all these points we have finalized to use the IR module.
For the transmitter section, we are going to use IR LEDs driven by a 555 timer IC. Timer IC will generate a frequency of 38 kHz, which will be given to IR LEDs.
Applications, Advantages, and future development of the Automatic Car Parking Indicator system project:
- This project can be used for the parking system in any shopping mall, multiplex
- It can be used for industries, commercial offices, and educational institutes.
- This can be expanded in the sense of security. Using metal detectors and CCTV cameras security of the parking area can be enhanced.
- We can add the Pick and Place facility to park the cars automatically.
Questions and answers about this project:
Question: What is the maximum number of parking slots that can be connected to this project?
Answer: This depends on the number of pins of the microcontroller. We can connect 16 slots to the microcontroller. 89s51 microcontroller has a total of 32 pins, out of which 11 are required for LCD. For LED display we can 4:16 decoder, so it will need 4 pins and then we can connect 16 slots to the remaining pins of the microcontroller
Question: Do you have an automated parking lot with a robotic arm added to it to place the car into the available parking slots?
Answer: That’s a kind of Electro-Mechanical project. Sorry, we don’t have a pick and place facility for car parking.
Question: Can we use this project for multiple-level parking like using an Elevator or something like that?
Answer: We can place the 2 slots on the ground floor and 2 slots on the first floor. However, we can not implement the elevator section.
Can we use iris motes for communication between slots where we will deploy PIR sensors then the information of slots will be transmitted to zigbee and Do PIR sensors have compatibility with Iris Motes
Hi Mamta, sorry we can not implement Iris Motes for this project. This project has been implemented with IR sensors and wired communication.
i am in BE computer engg student . i will correct in project use in your idea,,,,,
can u send the synopsis of the project and what is the use of the lcd
Hi Justin, Please download the synopsis from the download button provided on this page above block diagram. And regarding LCD display, it is used to show the status of parking slots. It will display SL1 SL2 SL3 SL4 and their status as empty or full
can u send the synopsis of the project and how can v add more programming in it meanz how can v make it more twrds s/w based..
HI wasim bhat, Please download the synopsis from the download button provided on this page above block diagram.
To make this project software based, you can develop some software which can run on computer. This software can show in and out time of car. It can count the number of cars parked in a whole day. We have provided a computer connector with this project. It sends message strings to the computer whenever car is parked. You can use this string to get data from the project.
pls who cost your project in usd and who many days to complete and ship to iraq
and can you do it for me with c language and PIC16F887
sir, i want to do this project by myself so that i can able to learn. can you help me out from one query.
Q. why you have used IR module …? can we used any other sensor instead of it?
plz reply as possible
what is the mode of payment?. is there any availability of cash on delivery?
Hi Abhishek, as of now we don’t have Cash on delivery. However you can call us on the number provided to know more about this option.
Please let me know whether this kind of mechanism is implemented in india ? If yes, please specify the locations. Thanks.
if two cars enters at a time while barrier gate open then this is considered as one type of disadvantage or not
Hi Shiva, we have not provided any barrier gate in this project.
sir i want too ask that
if any other opstical came in d way as your hands than also the led’s are off or not…….???
Hi Mousmi, yes this sensor is triggered by any obstacle.
hi there…i would like to planning this topic as my BEE final year project…but I’m Malaysian…can i know how much the cost for this project and shipping..?
Hi Dinesh, we can ship this project to Malaysia. Extra shipping charges are applicable for delivery out of India. Please email us your detail address. So we will reply you.
If i order the project can i submit it directly or i would have to make or bring something from outside to make it???
Hi Vishal, this project is ready to use.
how to do the same PROJECT WITH MORE SLOTS(100) ?
Hi Anand, the current hardware of the project supports only 4 slots.
what is the range of IR sensor? can anyother sensor be used instead of IRsensor? and what if when all the 3 slots are full and the 4th car is entering but is still not park and at the same time 5th car comes than how will the cardriver come to know that the slot are going to get full he should not enter.
question; we decided to calculate the time taken to transmit and receive signal by IR sensors, but people say that it cannot be calculated.how can we go about that?
Hi Ivan, signal sent by IR sensor is Infrared light. You can calculate it by considering the actual speed of light which is 299792458 m/s
Can u please tell me what are disadvantages of this projects
Hi Ramesh, there are few limitations, the range of the sensor is low. Currently, the system can monitor only 4 parking slots. These limitations can be removed with further modifications in this circuit.