Project Cost: 7,100
Project Code: 1165

Description of the project:
Incubators are attracting interest from the medical profession. They are glass and metal cases heated to certain Humidity, into which enough air is admitted to maintaining life. Until such time as an infant is strong enough for the Humidity of the room. In the baby incubator, Humidity control is very important. And therefore we are controlling the Humidity according to our requirements. Humidity controller can be done by using an Electronic circuit, Microprocessor & microcontroller. Now microcontroller is an advanced component among all circuits of many Sensor projects. Therefore we are using a Microcontroller for Humidity control of the baby incubator.
Block Diagram of Baby Incubator project:

You will get the following documents with this project:
- Project Report in pdf format and in doc (word) format
- Circuit diagram
- PCB layout
- Microcontroller program in assembly language
- Hex file of the microcontroller code
- Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project
Photographs of the Baby Incubator project:

Description in detail:
It mainly consists of the following blocks:
- Micro-controller board: It is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4K bytes of Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory EPROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the MCS-51. Instruction set and pinout. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. Combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, it provides a highly flexible and cost-effective solution so many embedded control applications.
- Humidity Sensor Block: The Humidity is sensed by using a Humidity Sensor. The output voltage of the Humidity Sensor varies in linear proportion to the Humidity.
- ADC Block: ADC means analog to digital converter. The output of signal conditioning is in the analog form. But Microprocessor requires input in digital form for this purpose we have to use ADC.
- Amplifier Block: The output signal from micro-controller 89C51 is weak so we have to amplify that signal. The amplifier block amplifies the signal for driving the final control element i.e. output device. For amplification, Transistor BC 547 is used.
- Output Block: In this project, we are using FAN and Soldering Gun as output devices. If Humidity is below the set point then the Soldering gun is ON and Humidity will start to increase when Humidity is above the set point then Fan is ON so that Humidity will start to decrease
- Display Block: In this project, we use a 16 X 2 intelligent LCD display to display the college name, Humidity set point, and the Humidity of the baby incubator.
Applications and Advantages of Baby Incubator:
- This project can be used in Hospitals.
- Our project is used for warming babies. It is used for warming premature babies and weak babies
Future Development:
- We can monitor more parameters like oxygen level and at the same time control them
- We can send this data to a remote location using mobile or the Internet
- We can draw graphs of variations in these parameters using a computer
Video of the project: Baby Incubator
The Youtube video is coming soon
Questions and answers about this project:
Question: We want to sense the temperature of the baby as well as the just nearby surrounding of the baby. We should control either the baby’s body temperature or the surrounding temperature of the baby. We should control the temperature precisely. Also, we have to provide various alarms for the temperature exceeding, any liquid that fell over there near the baby. We have to control the heater which will maintain the temperature that we desire. Also, we would like to include respiration rate and pulse rate measurement and display. The heater that we need should be controllable. Its output heat should be adjustable so that the resultant temperature can also be adjusted. Are these features available in this project?
Answer: No, currently these features are not available. Project mentioned above can monitor humidity and temperature of the environment inside Glass enclosure (called incubator)
where can we come and meet you ..??????
You can meet us at Pune — Ravet(Akurdi). Our detailed adderss is given on Contact us page. Click here: https://www.projectsof8051.com/contact-us/
hello, sir
Is it possible to send data of baby’s body temperature and air
temperature at the remote place by help of design which u have available (model no. 1165)?
Hi Bhavesh, yes it is possible. We can send the data to remote place through SMS using GSM modem. For this purpose we have to implement GSM technology in this project. We can connect sim900 gsm modem to the microcontroller. Then microcontroller will give instruction to gsm modem to send the sms using AT commands.
I m interested in your project.
we r interested to design baby warmer controller with manual settings.
i did not see the temperature sensor as the input to the microcontroller,then how are going to detect the environmental temperature within the the incubator and the body temperature of the baby?
what kind of heater that you used?
please reply
i need to how the coverage area of this sms based baby incubator
hoe it will be received to Yemen and how long time it will take??
also the cost 6600( INR ) with the courier ?? please reply as soon as possible
what is the role of laptop or computer in this current project ??
I want to get this project but,
how you could send it to KSA and how much will be the total cost with courrier?
Also how can I pay for this project.
Sorry I’m beginer in deeling with internet buying.
can we use microcontroller other than 8051??
Hi Vinita Pandla, we can provide this project by using Arduino Uno.
Is this project is possible by doing an Android application..if it possible could u plz say me how it can be done?