Bluetooth controlled robot using Android mobile

Android based projects, Bluetooth controlled, Embedded Projects, Industrial Application Projects, PIR sensor, Robots and Robotics, Security Systems, Wireless Communication
Project Cost: 5,900 Project Code: 1405 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the project: Bluetooth controlled robot using Android mobile project makes use of an Android mobile phone for robotic control with the help of Bluetooth technology. This is a simple robotics project using a microcontroller. We have already seen Mobile Controlled Robot using DTMF technology which uses a call-based method to control the robot. Also, many wireless-controlled robots use RF modules. The control commands available are more than RF modules. The smartphone-controlled robot is superior to all these robots. This project is a Bluetooth-controlled robot. For this, the android mobile user has to install an application on her/his mobile. Then the user needs to turn on the Bluetooth on the mobile. The wireless communication technique used…
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Bidirectional Visitor Counter

Embedded Projects, Industrial Application Projects, Infrared Sensor, Sensor based Projects
Project Cost: 4,600 Project Code: 1103 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the project: Many times we need to monitor the person/people visiting some place like a Seminar hall, conference room or Shopping mall or temple. Bidirectional Visitor Counter project can be used to count and display the number of visitors entering inside any conference room or seminar hall. This is a bidirectional counter which means it works in a two way. That means the counter will be incremented if a person enters the room and will be decremented if a person leaves the room. LCD displays this value which is placed outside the room. Block Diagram of Bidirectional Visitor Counter: You will get the following documents with this project: Project Report in pdf format and…
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Power Transformer Parameter fault detection System

Agricultural Project, Embedded Projects, Industrial Application Projects, Level Sensor, Security Systems, Sensor based Projects, Temperature Sensor
Project Cost: 5,400 Project Code: 1280 Order Now Description of the project: The Power Transformer Parameter fault detection System is one of the sensor based projects for final year which can be used in Power transformers. This project is used to monitor the parameter of the Power transformer. If any fault is detected then it will be intimated using a buzzer or using GSM technology. We have measured four basic parameters of the transformer. Oil level, temperature, current, and voltage. We have used 2 sensors in this project, a temperature sensor and a level sensor for the Oil level. And we have used 2 potentiometers to give a demonstration of voltage and current. Description in detail: It contains the following blocks: Microcontroller LCD Display Sensors You will get the following…
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Automatic College Bell

Embedded Projects, Industrial Application Projects
Project Cost: 4,700 Project Code: 1155 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the project: The Automatic College Bell project can be used in Industries, and educational institutes like colleges, universities, and schools. We can set the interval time and buzzer time through the keypad. An internal clock will run inside the controller which will turn on the buzzer at the desired time periods. Description in detail: It contains the following blocks: Microcontroller: This project utilizes an 89s51 microcontroller as a main operating unit. LCD Display: 16 x 2 alphanumeric LCD display is used. Buzzer: The microcontroller activates a piezoelectric buzzer at particular time intervals. Keypad: This project also has a simple keypad with 4 keys. Power supply Video of the project: Automatic College Bell Block Diagram:…
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Time Operated Electrical Appliance Controlling System

Embedded Projects, Energy Saving, Industrial Application Projects, Power Saver
Project Cost: 5,400 Project Code: 1190 Order Now Description of the project: The most important problems faced in industries as well as in our homes are the misuse of electricity and electricity wastage. Sometimes lamps or fans are left ON due to the carelessness of the people. This results in the wastage of electricity. Also in some industries, lots of manpower is utilized just to operate the devices at some particular interval of time. Our project Time Operated Electrical Appliance Controlling System helps to overcome all these problems. Power Saving using Time Operated Electrical Appliance Controlling System is a reliable circuit that takes over the task of switching on/off electrical devices with respect to time. This project replaces Manual Switching. It has an Inbuilt Clock that tracks over Time. When…
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Microcontroller based 4 channel Data acquisition system

Agricultural Project, Embedded Projects, Heartbeat Sensor, Humidity Sensor, Industrial Application Projects, Level Sensor, Light Sensor, LPG Gas Sensor, Medical Application Projects, Moisture Sensor, Sensor based Projects, Temperature Sensor, Vibration Sensor, Weight Sensor
Project Cost: 5,900 Project Code: 1172 Order Now Description of the Data Acquisition system project: The data acquisition system project is a fine combination of analog and digital electronics. This project is designed to fulfill the requirements of industrial applications, and home applications. The project consists of parameter monitoring and parameter storage which is also known as Data Logger. The PC interface is one of the main features of the project in which various data like the value of parameters, date, and time are sent to the PC. We have used Microcontroller as a main component of the project. Now a Microcontroller has become the main component of many electronic circuits. Also, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and EEPROM are used on a major basis for display and storage purposes. I2C…
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Digital weather station with Data storage

Agricultural Project, Embedded Projects, Humidity Sensor, Level Sensor, Light Sensor, Sensor based Projects, Temperature Sensor
Project Cost: 6,700 Project Code: 1175 Order Now Description of the project: Throughout time we"ve been fascinated by the weather - studying signs of change and making and acting on predictions. Today we can link modern instruments to computers to reduce human error and automate record-keeping. The aim of the Digital weather station with Data storage project is to monitor weather conditions, including temperature, atmospheric humidity, and solar light intensity. Local weather measurements are extremely important to a wide range of professions, from horticulturists to firefighters. It provides around-the-clock monitoring of various types of applications. For example, it can be used in a greenhouse to manage climate control and help promote favorable growing conditions. In solar power applications, it can verify the performance of photovoltaic (PV) array systems by monitoring…
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Microcontroller based Data Logger

Agricultural Project, Embedded Projects, Humidity Sensor, Industrial Application Projects, Level Sensor, Light Sensor, LPG Gas Sensor, Medical Application Projects, Moisture Sensor, Sensor based Projects, Temperature Sensor, Vibration Sensor, Weight Sensor
Project Cost: 5,900 Project Code: 1170 Order Now Description of the project: The Microcontroller based Data Logger project is a fine combination of analog and digital electronics. This project is designed to fulfill the requirements of industrial applications, and home applications. The project consists of parameter monitoring and parameter storage. The PC interface is one of the main features of the project in which various data like the value of parameters, date, and time are sent to the PC using a hyper terminal. All Sensor projects use Microcontrollers as the controlling and processing units. Similarly, we have used Microcontroller as a main component of the project. Now a Microcontroller has become the main component of many electronic circuits. Also, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and EEPROM are used on a major…
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Baby Incubator

Embedded Projects, Energy Saving, Heartbeat Sensor, Humidity Sensor, Light Sensor, Medical Application Projects, Sensor based Projects, Temperature Sensor
Project Cost: 7,100 Project Code: 1165 Order Now Description of the project: Incubators are attracting interest from the medical profession. They are glass and metal cases heated to certain Humidity, into which enough air is admitted to maintaining life. Until such time as an infant is strong enough for the Humidity of the room. In the baby incubator, Humidity control is very important. And therefore we are controlling the Humidity according to our requirements. Humidity controller can be done by using an Electronic circuit, Microprocessor & microcontroller. Now microcontroller is an advanced component among all circuits of many Sensor projects. Therefore we are using a Microcontroller for Humidity control of the baby incubator. Block Diagram of Baby Incubator project: You will get the following documents with this project: Project Report…
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Person counter and Password detector System

Embedded Projects, Energy Saving, Industrial Application Projects, Infrared Sensor, Light Sensor, Power Saver, Sensor based Projects
Project Cost: 5,200 Project Code: 1110 Order Now Description of the project: The Person counter and Password detector project consists of two modules. The first module is the bidirectional Person counter. The second module is Password operated Lock. The main concept behind this project is to measure and display the number of persons entering in any room like a seminar hall, or conference room. LCD display placed outside the room displays this value. And when the number of persons inside the room is zero, the power supply inside the room can be cut using a relay interface. The second part of the project serves the functionality of a door-latch opening using a password entered through the keypad. As well as sending this data to a computer through a serial port.…
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Intelligent Helmet for Coal Miners

Embedded Projects, Humidity Sensor, Industrial Application Projects, LPG Gas Sensor, Security Systems, Sensor based Projects, Temperature Sensor
Project Cost: 5,900 Project Code: 1260 Order Now Description of the project: There are many projects based on sensors that serve one or another purpose for people in society. Similarly, this project is designed to provide Intelligent Helmet for Coal Miners And safety monitoring of Coal miners. Various parameters like Methane gas, Carbon monoxide gas, Temperature, and Humidity are monitored for the safety of coal miners. These sensors are should be fitted in the helmet of the coal miners. Whenever any parameter crosses a particular threshold value, a buzzer is turned on so as to indicate the miner about the danger. Thus this system performs the function of a miner's safety monitoring and controlling system. Description in detail: It mainly consists of the following blocks: Microcontroller Gas Sensors Temperature sensor…
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Soldier Tracking System using GPS and GSM Modem

Embedded Projects, GPS based Projects, GSM based Projects, Heartbeat Sensor, Humidity Sensor, Medical Application Projects, Military Applications, Security Systems, Sensor based Projects, SMS based projects, Temperature Sensor, Wireless Communication
Project Cost: 12,400 Project Code: 1825 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the project: In today's world enemy warfare is an important factor in any nation's security. National security mainly depends on the army (ground), navy (sea), and air force (air). The important and vital role is played by army soldiers. There are many concerns regarding the safety of these soldiers. As soon as any soldier enters the enemy lines it is very vital for the army base station to know the location as well as the health status of all soldiers. In the Soldier Tracking System using GPS and GSM project, we have come up with the idea of tracking the soldier as well as giving the health status of the soldier during the war.…
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Vehicle Accident Detection with GPS and GSM modem

Embedded Projects, GPS based Projects, GSM based Projects, Industrial Application Projects, Security Systems, SMS based projects, Wireless Communication
Project Cost: 11,400 Project Code: 1830 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the project Nowadays lots of accidents happen on highways due to the increase in traffic and also due to rash driving of drivers. And in many situations, the family members of the ambulance and police authority are not informed in time. This results in delaying the help reached to the person who suffered due to an accident. Our project Vehicle Accident Detection with GPS and GSM modem is designed to avoid such situations. Description in detail: In this project, we are going to use an accident detection unit that will be fitted inside the front and rear bonnets of the car. This accident detection unit consists of two metallic plates which are kept at…
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Toxic Gas Detection using GSM technology

Agricultural Project, Embedded Projects, GSM based Projects, Industrial Application Projects, LPG Gas Sensor, Military Applications, Sensor based Projects, SMS based projects, Wireless Communication
Project Cost: 9,500 Project Code: 1684 Order Now Description of the project: The Toxic Gas Detection using GSM project aims to monitor hazardous environmental conditions, including toxic gases through a GSM modem. This project can be used in industry or mines to monitor and help people to warn about toxic gas conditions. This project even can be used as an air pollution detector. This is also called a Remote Gas Monitoring system. Description in detail: We are monitoring 3 gases under this project, first is CO Carbon Monoxide, second is LPG Gas and the third is methane gas. The project consists of parameter monitoring and sending parameters through SMS. We have used a GSM modem to send SMS. These values can later be seen using a mobile SMS inbox. Applications…
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SMS based Weather report information system

Agricultural Project, Embedded Projects, GSM based Projects, Humidity Sensor, Industrial Application Projects, Level Sensor, Light Sensor, Sensor based Projects, SMS based projects, Temperature Sensor, Wireless Communication
Project Cost: 8,400 Project Code: 1605 Order Now Download the Synopsis of the project Description of the project: Throughout time we have been fascinated by the weather and studying signs of change in weather. We also make predictions and act up those predictions. Today we can link modern instruments to computers to reduce human error and automate the record-keeping task. The aim of the SMS based Weather report information system project is to monitor weather conditions, including temperature, atmospheric humidity, and solar light intensity through SMS alerts using a GSM modem. Local weather measurements are extremely important to a wide range of professions, from horticulturists to firefighters. It provides around-the-clock monitoring of various types of applications. For example, it can be used in a greenhouse to manage climate control and…
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