Power Transformer Parameter fault detection System

Power Transformer Parameter Fault Detection

Project Cost: 5,400

Project Code: 1280

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Description of the project:

The Power Transformer Parameter fault detection System is one of the sensor based projects for final year which can be used in Power transformers. This project is used to monitor the parameter of the Power transformer. If any fault is detected then it will be intimated using a buzzer or using GSM technology. We have measured four basic parameters of the transformer. Oil level, temperature, current, and voltage. We have used 2 sensors in this project, a temperature sensor and a level sensor for the Oil level. And we have used 2 potentiometers to give a demonstration of voltage and current.

Description in detail:

It contains the following blocks:

  1. Microcontroller
  2. LCD Display
  3. Sensors

You will get the following documents with this project:

  1. Project Report in pdf format and in doc (word) format
  2. Circuit diagram
  3. PCB layout
  4. Microcontroller program in assembly language
  5. Hex file of the microcontroller code
  6. Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project
  7. Power point presentation / PPT file

Project Photographs:

1262 Condition Monitoring Of Power Transformers 1
1262 Condition Monitoring Of Power Transformers 2
1262 Condition Monitoring Of Power Transformers 3

Applications and Advantages of Power Transformer Parameter fault detection System:

  1. This project can be used for the safety of transformers in urban as well as rural areas.
  2. This project can also be used for power transformers inside university campuses or inside any company’s premises.

Future Development:

1. We can interface a GSM modem to send this data through SMS

Video of the Power Transformer Parameter fault detection System project

Youtube video coming soon… The video is not available right now, we are planning to upload a video soon. Meanwhile, you can watch the video of GSM based Power Transformer Parameter fault detection System project.

Questions and answers about this project:

Question: Can we implement GSM technology to implement SMS based projects?

Answer: Yes, we can do that. Visit this project – Project code: 1680 – GSM based Power Transformer Parameter fault detection System

Block diagram of Power Transformer Parameter fault detection System project

Power Transformer Parameter Fault Detection

10 thoughts on “Power Transformer Parameter fault detection System

  • naveen kumar.a

    we are running a project center EZEE TECH SOLUTION in trichy,Tamilnadu. we wish to buy projects in at hols sell reated. kindly send me the topics and discounted prize for us

  • ragavan

    send me the quotation for the following kits


  • Akshay hanumante

    Which type of microcontroller and gsm modem you used?

    • Microtronics Technologies

      Hi Akshay hanumante, Microcontroller used is: 89s51 and the GSM modem used is: sim900


    In the demonstration, what was the rating of the transformer used? was oil level sensor used in normal transformers?

    • Microtronics Technologies

      Hi Supriya, we don’t use actual transformer for demonstration

  • jatin bindal

    a run a training institute in delhi
    a need the list of project with their prices and discount on them

  • waheed

    Wht parametres does this project meausre plzz tell me i want to by it

  • sandeep shelar

    please send IEEE PAper of power transformer fault detection by using microcontroller 89S51

  • AJ

    Power transformer rating for which the kit can be implemented??

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