Project Cost: 5,900
Project Code: 1172

Description of the Data Acquisition system project:
The data acquisition system project is a fine combination of analog and digital electronics. This project is designed to fulfill the requirements of industrial applications, and home applications. The project consists of parameter monitoring and parameter storage which is also known as Data Logger. The PC interface is one of the main features of the project in which various data like the value of parameters, date, and time are sent to the PC.
We have used Microcontroller as a main component of the project. Now a Microcontroller has become the main component of many electronic circuits. Also, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and EEPROM are used on a major basis for display and storage purposes. I2C bus protocol is used while interfacing 8051 with EEPROM. This project consists of two basic modules. First is “Data Monitoring” & other is “Data Storage”
A display unit will show the value of parameters. This will help the person to know the values, for this purpose we are going to use various sensors, which will be connected to ADC.
The other module is named parameter storage. It can be used to store the parameter values in the memory. We are going to use EEPROM memory IC. These values can later be seen using a keypad provided on the front panel. This system is useful as many times it’s difficult to measure the parameter values manually and also this module is more accurate than the domestic system.
Block Diagram of the Data acquisition system project:

You will get a CD with this project containing the following documents:
- Project Report in pdf format and in doc (word) format
- Circuit diagram
- PCB layout
- Microcontroller program in assembly language
- Hex file of the microcontroller code
- Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project
Project Photographs:

Description in detail:
There are many sensor based projects for ece which monitor sensor data. And we can use this project to store various sensor output parameters like Temperature, Humidity, Light or voltage, current, LPG gas level, etc in an EEPROM IC. These values are stored after a periodic interval of time. I2C communication protocol with EEPROM is implemented in this project. A keypad is used to view these records later.
Even this project can be used in biomedical applications by adding a heartbeat sensor.
Applications and Advantages of Data acquisition system:
- Can be used in various industries to control the device based on different times.
- This project reduces human efforts or human interaction and thus it can work independently as an automated circuit.
Future Development of project:
- We can monitor some hazardous parameters like overheating and LPG gas leakage.
- We can provide a voice announcement or a voice feedback system to indicate the current state or the current operation of the circuit.
Video of the project: Data acquisition system using 8051
Youtube video coming soon
Question and answers about this project:
Question: I need Wind Speed data logging along with the other 3 as mentioned.
Answer: Wind speed is not available as of now. However, it can be implemented using IR sensor or optical sensors.
Pls,i want design weather station with a wireless telemetry.The climatic parameters to be measured are temperature,humityand pressure.Two things are involved,i mean the remote station and the host station .
in addition,i want to design the tranmitter unit and the receiver unit,the receiver unit would make use of computer system which would have gotten a programming language called visual basic.pls,put me through
what is use of micro controller
i am from mumbai..i need a project of data acquisition sysytem using 8051…so how much time it will take to reach the project
I would Like to know that can we interface directly the input from Optical Pulse Encoder and output from the strain sensor as and input to these data aquisition system ;As in my application we are using one optical pulse encoder which would be giving a TTL output and Strian Sensor would be giving a voltage or current output which would be communicated directly to the PC through these Microcontroller.,Can we interface the sensor directly and can we change the progrramme if needed or it is a standard solution.
Please do confirm us.