Here on this page, you can find the most innovative list of ECE mini projects for electronics. Electronics students and hobbyists can get Electronics Mini Projects for ece and eee. These are innovative mini projects topics for ece and eee. You can execute these topmost innovative mini projects ideas for electronics and electrical engineering.
8051 based Electronics Mini Projects
- LPG leakage detector mini project using 8051 Microcontroller
- Alcohol detector mini project using 8051 Microcontroller
- Fire detector and Alarm System mini project using 8051
- Low Light detector mini project using 8051
- Temperature detector mini project using Temperature sensor and 8051 microcontroller
- Moving Message Display On LCD using 8051 microcontroller
- Soil moisture detector mini project
- Automatic Street Light Controller
- Water level alarm circuit
- Rain detector mini project
PIC18F based Mini projects
- LPG gas leakage detector mini project using PIC microcontroller
- PIC microcontroller based Smoke detector mini project
- Alcohol Detector mini project using PIC Microcontroller
Electronics Mini Projects videos playlist on YouTube:
The mini projects list from Microtronics is designed with the help of a large number of sensors and buzzers. Also, we have used different types of microcontrollers as well as motors. This is done so as to fulfill the requirement of electronics and electrical domains. Electronics students and hobbyists will also get a circuit diagram and project video tutorials along with these mini projects. This will help the students to prepare for basic practical electronics knowledge.

Projects provided by Microtronics Technologies are easy to implement. Our ece mini project kits are provided with a circuit diagram and video tutorials. This will ensure that students get a detailed idea about the mini project. Along with the detailed documentation, our ece mini project kits will definitely guide you, to begin with, the practical implementation in electronics.