Fingerprint based security system
Below is the working / user manual of the project Fingerprint based Security System
1) Turn on the power supply.
2) LCD will show message as, FINGERPRINT SECURITY SYSTEM
Now you can perform any of following 3 operations
A) Add key testing / Fingerprint addition operation
1) Add an entry of a Fingerprint using the Add key connected to the project.
2) For this, first you have to put your finger on the Fingerprint sensor.
3) Then press Add key. LCD will show message as,”ADD KEY PRESSED”
4) Now there will be 2 types of output from the fingerprint sensor, either success or error.
5) If entry is added properly then LCD will display message as “ENTRY ADDED SUCCESSFULLY”
6) However, if you have placed finger properly while adding the fingerprint or if there is some other problem then Fingerprint sensor will return an error code. Then LCD will show a message as,”ERROR WHILE ADDING. TRY AGAIN”
7) For successful addition of Fingerprint entry in the project user will be given an identification number. LCD will display this number. LCD will show a message as,”FINGERPRINT ID NUMBER = XY”. Here XY stands for the ID number, e.g. 01 / 15 / 18 etc.
B) Delete key testing / Fingerprint deletion operation
NOTE: This function will delete previously added all entries in the project. Single user delete function is not provided.
1) Delete entry all Fingerprints using the Delete key connected to the project.
2) For this you have to press Delete key. LCD will show message as,”DELETE KEY PRESSED”
3) Now there will be 2 types of output from fingerprint sensor, either success or error.
4) If all entries are deleted properly then LCD will display message as,”ENTRIES DELETED SUCCESSFULLY”
5) However, if there is some problem then Fingerprint sensor will return an error code. Then LCD will show a message as, “ERROR WHILE DETELE. TRY AGAIN”
C) Search key testing / Fingerprint Searching operation
Error messages while Add/Delete/Search:
If there is no response from fingerprint sensor within given timeframe then LCD will display message as, “NO SIGNAL FROM FINGERPNT SENSOR”
In this case, Relay will be turned off for 2 seconds and then turned on again. This way it will reset the fingerprint sensor
We would suggest that you should start the project operation with the Delete key. This means you should delete all previous entries in the memory. Then you should add new entries.
End of the user manual.