Frequently Asked Questions for microcontroller and electronics projects

We get a lot of calls/emails from Engineering students asking for help in Frequently Asked Questions in Project Viva.

So Team Microtronics have come up with the FAQs for Electronics projects.

Below is the list questions asked in Project orals. These are FAQs for 8051 based Microcontroller projects.

Go through the wide range of Frequently Asked Question in EXAM given below. Read the Frequently Asked Questions for 8051 exam questions.

1) How to identify Base, Emitter, and collector of a Transistor?
2) How to identify common(VCC) pin of Pullup resistor?
3) How to identify input, output, and ground of 7805 / 7812?
4) How to identify NO, NC contacts of Relay?
5) How to identify Pin number 1 of any IC?
6) How to identify ‘Polarity’ of Capacitor?
7) How to identify ‘Polarity’ of Diode?
8) How to identify ‘Polarity’ of LED?
9) How to identify Primary and Secondary of a Transformer 10) How to identify ‘Value’ of Ceramic capacitors?
11) How to identify ‘Value’ of Electrolytic capacitors?
12) How to identify ‘Value’ of Resistor?
13) What are the types of Capacitors?
14) What are the types of PCB?
15) What are the types of Resistors?
16) What are the types of Transistors?
17) What is ISP connector? what are the pin connections of ISP connector?
18) What is a Jumper?
19) What is the crystal frequency?
20) What is the difference between 89c51 and 89s51?
21) What is the difference between 89s51 and 89s52?
22) What is the value of Reset circuit (RC values)?
23) Which software have you used for PCB layout? What were the other options?
24) Why heat sink is required for 7805 and not for 7812? Why is heat sink used for 7805?
25) Why is heat sink used for 7805?
26) Why have you used Analog to digital converter in your Sensor based electronics projects?
27) Why have you used motor driver IC in the circuit of your Robotics projects?
28) Why have you selected L293D as a motor driver IC? what were the other options?
29) Why have you used 15 / 9 volts transformer?
30) Why have you used 7812 after the battery of 12v?
31) Why have you chosen the IR transmitter in-person counter project?
32) What are the operating modes of IC555? Which mode you have used and why?
33) Why have you used a transistor circuit to operate the relay?
34) What are the operating modes of a transistor? Which operating mode have you used in your engineering project?
35) How is a relay activated? What are the internal components in the relay?
36) What is the pinout of a relay?
37) What is the difference between an SPDT and DPDT relay?
38) Which devices can you operate through a relay? Voltage and current range?
39) Why is MAX232 used in your project? What is the function of MAX232?
40) Which LCD have you used? What are the other types of LCDs available?
41) How can you set the contract for LCD?

So that’s all for now. On weekly basis, we will keep on updating the list of Frequently Asked Questions for electronics projects. And now it’s your turn, go ahead and try to answer as many questions as you can.
