Project Cost: 9,400
Project Code: 1631

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Description of the project:
The weight sensor will be placed under the garbage bin or dustbin. GSM based Garbage and waste collection bins overflow indicator sends an SMS whenever the weight reaches the threshold value. The SMS is sent to the respective Municipal / Government authority person. Then that person can send the collection vehicle to collect the full garbage bins or dustbins.
In our city many times we see that the garbage bins or dustbins placed at public places are overflowing. It creates unhygienic conditions for people. Also, it creates ugliness to that place. At the same time, a bad smell is also spread.
To avoid all such situations we are going to implement a project called Garbage collection bin overflow indicator using GSM technology. In this project, we are going to place a weight sensor under the dustbin. When the weight reaches the threshold value, an SMS will be sent to the respective Municipal / Government authority person. Then that person can send the collection vehicle to collect the full garbage bins or dustbins.
We have observed that the municipal officer or the government-authorized person will monitor the status of the dustbin. Or generally, we see that they have a regular schedule of picking up these garbage bins or dustbins. This schedule varies as per the population of that place. It can be once in a day or twice in a day or in some cases once in two days. However, we see that in case there is some festival or some function, lots of garbage material is generated by people in that particular area.
In such cases the garbage dustbin gets immediately full and then it overflows which creates many problems. So in situations, with the help of our project the government authority person can get SMS immediately. So they will get SMS before their periodic interval visit of picking up the dustbin. Then they can go and pick up the dustbins.
Project Photographs:

Block Diagram of the project:

You will get the following documents with this project:
- Project Report in pdf format and in doc (word) format
- Circuit diagram
- PCB layout
- Microcontroller program in assembly language
- Hex file of the microcontroller code
- Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project
A detailed description of GSM based Garbage and waste collection bins overflow indicator:
The following are the important blocks of this system
- Weight sensor: We have used Load cell as a Weight Sensor. Force applied on this load cell is transformed into equivalent electrical signal.
- LCD: We have used 16×2 alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which means it can display alphabets along with numbers on 2 lines each containing 16 characters.
- Buzzer: We are going to use a buzzer to indicate the overweight condition.
- Microcontroller: This is the CPU (central processing unit) of our project. We are going to use a microcontroller of 8051 family. The various functions of the microcontroller are like:
- Reading input signals from weight sensor
- Sending this data to LCD so that the person operating this project should understand the status.
- When weight crosses threshold level, sends the data to GSM modem using serial port.
Applications and Advantages of GSM based Garbage and waste collection bins overflow indicator:
1) To collect dustbins placed at public places in city.
2) This project can also be used in college / university campus
3) This project can also be used in companies
4)Many times Garbage dust bin is overflown and many animals like dog or goat enters inside or near the dustbin. This creates a bad scene. Also some birds are also trying to take out garbage from dust bin. This project can avoid such situations.
Future Development for the project:
1. We can add GPS modem to this project. This will help to track the position in case there are more dustbins.
Video of the project: GSM based Garbage and waste collection bins overflow indicator
YouTube video coming soon
what is the limitations of this project ?reply asap..plzz
can the details of weight,collection time, and the track which will be responsible for collection be interfaced with the database system for the system to be managed?
I want to add level indicator in this project of gsm based garbage project so which level indiccator should i used and to interface it with micro controller… Help out me and reply me on my email address i had provide
what is its disadvantages
what are the limitations for this topic ?
weight will always vary depending on the nature of the garbage put in the dust bin and to some extent it may overflow even before the threshold is attained.can the project be interfaced with a sensor to detect the level ?
Yes, it is essential to detect the level of dustbin
even though we place a weight sensor i think there is no use because suppose if we place density less waste in to a bin the bin gets full and over flows as the thresold weight is not reached sensor does not react to that weight then what we have to use instead of weight sensor and is there any level sensor for this project?
even though we place a weight sensor i think there is no use because suppose if we place density less waste in to a bin the bin gets full and over flows as the thresold weight is not reached sensor does not react to that weight then what we have to use instead of weight sensor and is there any level sensor for this project?
Dear Sir,
Here in this project , you have used gsm based where over here i want to use wire system then how could i used it?
Hi SID, we can provide wire system instead of GSM. We can send data to computer.
Sir I want to gsm based garbage bin project as my diploma final year project so will provide external guidance for that I will lifetime thankful of yours..sir I want fast reply from u…thank u
Please send me a youtube and detailed brochure regarding this technology, including cost and shipment details to Africa. Thanks and looking forward!
Theire is problem
how wight is responsible for garbage contener is full or not.
Garb may light in wight.
sir if we garbage is full with poly-thin or weight less item’s then garbage is overflow then how to it’s work.
reply ASNP
dear sir,
in this project implementaion in app will requed. because in street if it is 5, is there, like in city abou 100 will. be there, in each garbage bins bata will show on this app.,
i need this implementaion if its posibul deatels send my mail id.
weight will vary depending on the nature of the garbage put in the dustbin and to some extent it may overflow even before the threshold is attained.
can the project be interfaced with a ultrasonic sensor to detect the level of the dust bin?
Hi Shinde Arjun, yes we can add ultrasonic sensor to this project to detect the level of the garbage.