We frequently hear the news of damages caused due to fire and smoke. These include financial losses as well as the loss of lives of people and animals. If this smoke is detected at an early stage, then we can avoid the damage and the losses caused by the fire. GSM-based Smoke detector with SMS alert using Arduino project serves this purpose by creating a buzzer sound. And importantly, it sends an SMS alert to the user in case of fire is detected.

₹ 7,900
Project Code: 5653

Description of the Smoke detector with SMS alert using Arduino project
- Smoke Sensor: We have used an MQ series gas sensor to detect the smoke. This sensor operates on 5 volts and gives analog output. The output from the MQ smoke sensor is connected to the analog input pin of the Arduino UNO.
- Arduino has an inbuilt ADC which converts the analog input into the respective digital value.
- Arduino Uno displays this value of the smoke sensor on the LCD display. We have used a 16 by 2 alphanumeric Liquid crystal display (LCD display) in the smoke detector project. Arduino continuously keeps on displaying the value of the smoke sensor on the LCD display.
- Arduino turns on a buzzer and a relay, whenever the value of the smoke sensor crosses the threshold level.
- And at the same time, an SMS is sent to the registered mobile number. We can send SMS to two mobile numbers. Also, we can dial a call to these two mobile numbers.
- We have used a relay as an output device in this project. This relay is an additional feature of this project. The relay will be turned on when smoke is detected.
- For demonstration purposes, we have connected a 12-volt dc fan to this relay. The function of the fan is to clear the smoke whenever it is detected. You can connect any AC or DC output device to this relay.
Video demonstration of the SMS based smoke detector project
Applications of the SMS based smoke alarm project
- A smoke detector with SMS alert can be used in restaurants in the kitchen or the cooking section.
- SMS-based Smoke alarm circuit can be used in various industries which are prone to smoke and has a chance of Fire.
- We can use this project in our homes, schools, and colleges.
- This project is very useful from the point of industrial safety.
- This project provides early warning in case of a Fire outbreak.
- The fire detector with smoke alert project works day and night without fail.
Block diagram of the Smoke detector with SMS alert using Arduino project