Home Security System

Home security system project

Project Cost: 5,400

Project Code: 1200

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Description of the project:

The home security system project consists of three basic modules. Data from all modules is sent to a computer through the serial port.

  1. The first one is the IR transmitter and receiver module which works for the safety of doors at night or in case we are out of the home. When the IR sensors are interrupted, a buzzer is turned on, indicating someone has entered the house.
  2. The second module is an LPG gas sensor. It is provided to detect LPG gas leakage. A buzzer is turned on when Gas is detected by the sensor.
  3. The third part of the project serves the functionality of a door-latch opening using a password entered through the keypad. This module also turns on the buzzer if 3 wrong passwords are entered consequently.

Video of the project Home Security System

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Block Diagram of the project:

Home Security System

You will get the following documents with this project:

  1. Project Report in pdf format and in doc (word) format
  2. Circuit diagram
  3. PCB layout
  4. Microcontroller program in assembly language
  5. Hex file of the microcontroller code
  6. Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project

Project Photographs:

Home security system
Domestic Home security system project
Domestic security system project

Description in detail:

This security system project is one of the important sensor based projects for ece. It mainly consists of the following blocks:

  1. Infrared Transmitter: We have implemented the theft detection module using 1 transmitter and 1 receiver. We have used Infra-Red transmitters because infrared beams are not visible to human eyes. The transmitter used is IR LEDs
  2. Infrared Receiver: We are going to use an Infrared receiver. It is an active low device that gives low output when it receives Infrared rays.
  3. LPG Gas sensor: We are going to use an LPG Gas sensor to detect gas leakage.
  4. LCD: We are going to use a 16×2 alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which means it can display alphabets along with numbers on 2 lines each containing 16 characters.
  5. PC Interfacing: We have used a MAX232 IC for pc interfacing, the values of the number of persons inside the room and the status of entered password (Correct/wrong) will be sent to the PC.
  6. Keypad: The user will enter the password using the keypad. Various keys of the keypad are as follows,
    • 0 to 9
    • Enter
    • Escape
  7. EEPROM: External E2PROM memory is used to store the password. I2C bus protocol is used for communication of EEPROM with 8051.
  8. Microcontroller: This is our project’s CPU (central processing unit). We are going to use a microcontroller of an 8051 family. The various functions of the microcontroller are like:
    • Reading the digital input from the infrared receiver
    • Reading the LPG Gas sensor output to turn on the buzzer
    • Sensing the password using the keypad and check whether it is a correct password or a wrong password and rotate the stepper motor if the password entered is a correct password
    • Sending the data to LCD and to the computer using the serial port.

Applications and Advantages of Home Security System:

  1. It can be used in-house for security purposes.
  2. The same project can be implemented in industry or educational institutes.

Future Development for the Home Security System project:

  1. This data can be sent to a remote location using mobile or the internet.
  2. We can implement other related modules like fire sensors, and wind sensors.
  3. We can add the module of the voice alarm system to indicate theft entry or gas leakage.

Question: What is the function of PC interfacing? What data will be sent/received from the PC?

Answer: PC interfacing is used to send the status of various sensors to the PC. The microcontroller will not receive any data from the PC.

5 thoughts on “Home Security System

  • Satyajeet

    Can you help me to chose wich projects are better for my major (Computer Engineer) Home Security System or Time Operated Electrical Appliance Controlling System

    • Microtronics Technologies

      Hi Satyajeet, As per my view both projects are Good.
      In Home security system, you can have more interactions with project. Because you there are various modules like Password operated door (motor) IR sensor, LPG gas leakage sensor and it sends all the status to computer through serial port
      and in Time operated ssytem, you have less interactions. You have to set time and the all the devices will be operated with reference to the time.

  • kenedy sungu

    how the system will identify a non human object moving near its vicinity

  • murtaza khan

    sir i want to develop a home security system for my home, for a number of doors. .i am a mechanical engineering, mail me some suggestions

  • Bhautik panchal

    Can I add GSM module in this project

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