Project Cost: 8,700
Project Code: 5154

Description of IOT Based Fire Department Alerting System Project
Fire Detectors play a very important role in Industries, Shops, Malls, Residential complexes, and parking areas. They help in detecting fire or smoke at an early stage and can help in saving lives. Commercial Fire detecting systems usually have an alarm signaling, with the help of a buzzer or Siren. We have designed an IOT based Fire Alerting System using a Temperature sensor, flame sensor, and smoke sensor. This project would not only signal the presence of fire in a particular premise but will also send related information through IOT.
A detailed description of the IOT based Fire Alerting System Project
IOT Based Fire Alerting System uses three Sensors, namely, Temperature, Flame, and Smoke sensors. Adruino has an inbuilt ADC converter, which converts the analog signals received at the sensor end to digital.
The Arduino is programmed to turn on the buzzer when the temperature or flame or smoke reaches a threshold value. At the same time, Arduino sends the data to the GSM module. GSM modem is used for connecting microcontrollers to the internet. GSM modem will then send the following data to the IOT website, where, authorized people can take appropriate measures in order to curb the fire.
- Temperature (in Degrees Celsius)
- Smoke Value (in Percentage)
- Flame status (ON or OFF)
- Device ID
- Date and Time Stamp
The device ID is the unique ID given to a device, which would help the person get information related to the location, where the fire is detected.
The Prerequisite for this IoT-based fire alarming system is that the GSM module should be connected to a network. This project is also implemented without the IOT module. In place of the IOT module, we have sent SMS alerts and in this project, an SMS is triggered when the buzzer is turned ON.
Technical Specifications of IOT based Fire Alerting System
The components that are used in the IOT based Fire Alerting System using the Temperature and Smoke Sensor project are:
- Smoke sensor
- Temperature sensor
- Flame sensor
- Microcontroller – Arduino.
- 16 x 2 LCD Display
- GSM modem
- Piezoelectric Buzzer
Video of the project:
The video is not available right now, we are planning to upload a video soon.
Meanwhile, you can watch videos of another project in the category: IOT based projects.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is basically the network of ‘things’ by which physical things can exchange data with the help of sensors, electronics, software, and connectivity. These systems do not require any human interaction. In this Arduino fire alarm system using temperature and smoke sensors using the IOT project, we can send LIVE information like Temperature, Smoke Value detected by a particular device to the Fire Department.
Applications and Advantages of IOT based Fire Alerting System using Temperature and Smoke Sensor
- Fire alerting system have a wide range of applications. IOT based fire alarm system using arduino can be used in Chemical Factories, Shopping Malls, local shops, Educational institutes, Parking Areas, Companies, etc.
- IoT Based Fire alarm Notification System Using WiFI can be used as a precautionary measure at all the places listed above, which can help in notifying the fire departments early. If appropriate and immediate action is taken as soon as the buzzer turns ON, it can help in avoiding an accident.
- Future Development of the IOT Based Fire Detection System — This project can be enhanced to sense leakage of LPG GAS
Question & Answers
Question: Will the buzzer turn ON, even when there is someone smoking a cigarette?
Answer: Yes. The buzzer will turn ON even when it detects Cigarette smoke OR candle flame.
Question: Is there a way to avoid the buzzer turning ON for Cigarette smoke and candle flame?
Answer No. We cannot do that.
Block Diagram of the IOT Based Fire Detection System project