In some situations, we need to monitor the smoke in a particular area. The area to be monitored can be an industrial area or a forest area. We can use this data on smoke over a large time period to study industrial changes or environmental changes. And then we can take corrective actions. For example, if it is observed that smoke is increasing over the period then we can make necessary changes to reduce the smoke. We have developed an Internet of Things based — IOT based smoke detector using Arduino to solve these problems.

₹ 8,300
Project Code: 5153

Introduction of IOT Smoke detector project:
This system is an improved alternative to the traditional data logger system. We can also use a data logger project to record the changes in smoke. However, to view these records, the user has to visit the data logger circuit and view the records on an LCD or by connecting the circuit to a laptop/computer.
In the IOT smoke detection system, historical data can be seen from anywhere in the world. This is possible due to the Internet of things techniques. Due to IOT, the data is available over the could and can be accessed using the internet and IOT website. Also, with an increase in demand for smart cities, the demand for smart homes is also increasing. This smoke detector IOT project can also be used in smart homes.
Description of IOT based Smoke Detector Using Arduino:
We have interfaced the MQ2 gas sensor with Arduino Uno. This MQ2 smoke sensor operates on 5 volts and provides the output in analog form. We have connected this output to the “Analog 0” input pin of Arduino. Arduino has an inbuilt Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that converts this analog voltage into the respective digital value. Then Arduino displays this value on an LCD display so that people around the project can read the current value of smoke.
- One of the important tasks of Arduino is to monitor the smoke level. Arduino continuously keeps on reading and displaying smoke value.
- After a certain time interval, it sends the data to IOT over the cloud. We have used a GSM modem to send the data over IOT. GSM modem makes sure that IOT based fire alarm system using Arduino can operate stand-alone providing maximum internet connectivity.
- If the smoke crosses the danger level then it immediately sends an SMS to the registered mobile numbers.
- IOT smoke detector circuit has a buzzer that informs people nearby in case smoke is increased beyond a threshold limit.
- We have also provided a Relay in this project. We have connected a small DC fan at the output of this relay. The function of this fan is to help in reducing the smoke level.
Video demonstration of the Arduino based Smoke detector with IOT:
Technical Specifications of the IOT based Smoke Detector Using Arduino project:
The main components used in this project are as below:
- MQ2 smoke sensor
- Arduino Uno
- Sim900 or Sim800 GSM modem
- 16 x 2 LCD display
- Piezoelectric buzzer
- 12-volt Relay and a 12-volt DC fan
- 1N4007 diodes, 1000microFarad capacitor, 100 microFarad capacitor, 7805, 7812
- LED, resistors, BC547 transistors, potentiometer, various connectors
Applications and advantages of IOT smoke detection system:
- The automatic smoke detector by using IoT provides protection for life as well as protection of property.
- This system requires minimal maintenance.
- This system immediately alerts the user whenever smoke crosses the threshold level.
- One of the limitations of this project is that it requires an internet connection all the time. This limitation can be resolved by using a GSM modem with a Simcard that has good network connectivity.
- If we install multiple systems in a shopping complex or residential building then the firefighters can get the exact location of the fire. They can also know the intensity of fire at various places in that area.
- We can add a feature to dial a call to the fire brigade as a part of future development.
Block diagram of IOT based smoke detector using Arduino:

Sofware specifications:
- Arduino IDE software is used to develop the embedded C language code for IOT based Smoke detector using Arduino.
- EAGLE PCB Layout software is used to design the PCB layout of the IOT based Smoke detector project.
- Any IOT platform or IOT website that can display the values of the smoke sensor in Graphical format.