Car Parking areas usually have people who give printed tickets for parking. This consumes a lot of time and causes a lot of traffic. Along with causing traffic and commotion, there is also a lot of paper litter outside the vehicle parking areas. In order to avoid all of these, IOT Prepaid Car Parking System using RFID can be used. This project uses an RFID that can be recharged and can be swiped at the entrance.

₹ 9,400
Project Code: 5183

Introduction of the IOT prepaid car parking project
RFID and IOT based Paid Car Parking System includes an RFID card. This card can be recharged and swiped at the RFID card reader at the entrance of the car parking. The card reader would read the card details and send them over to the microcontroller. The microcontroller would validate if the card is valid and has sufficient balance.
A detailed description of the project:
- If the card is invalid, the microcontroller will turn the buzzer ON and the gates would not open
- If the card is valid, the microcontroller will send out the signal to the Motor Driver and the gates would open, to let the vehicle into the parking area.
We have also used the IR transmitter and receiver that can be used to detect if the vehicle has crossed and to close the gate based on the signal received at the IR receiver.
A keypad is included in the circuit to change the mode. If the card needs to be recharged, then the mode can be changed to recharge mode and the card can be recharged.
Every time the card is swiped, an amount equivalent to the car parking charge is deducted from the balance. We have connected an LCD display to the project which would display informative messages.
The microcontroller is also connected to the IOT module. Whenever a card is swiped, data related to the RFID card is sent to the website. Details such as the remaining card balance and time stamp are sent to the website. This project can also be implemented without the IOT module.
Technical Specifications of the project
The components that are used in the IOT and RFID based Car Parking system are:
- RFID card and RFID Reader
- Arduino – which is used to turn ON the buzzer, send data to the IOT and send informative messages to the LCD
- LCD Display
- Buzzer
- IR Receiver
- Keypad
- Motor driver and motor – Motor is used to demonstrate the parking entrance gate
- ESP8266 – ESP8266 is a chip used for connecting micro-controllers to Wi-Fi networks and making TCP/IP connections
Applications, Advantages, and Future enhancement for the IOT Prepaid Car Parking System using RFID project
- RFID and IOT based Car Parking System can be used in all parking areas including commercials, Industries, and Offices.
- The advantage of this project is that it would help in saving a lot of paper and keep the environment clean. This system can be further improved by including a voice announcement system.
Block diagram of the IOT Prepaid Car Parking System using RFID project