We can remotely monitor the Temperature and Humidity of any system or environment using the IOT Temperature and Humidity monitoring system using Arduino. This real-time and historical data of humidity and temperature can be viewed from anywhere in the world.

₹ 8,600
Project Code: 5203

Hardware implementation:
- We have used a DHT11 sensor in this project to monitor the temperature and humidity. DHT11 sensor continuously reads the temperature and humidity levels in the surrounding environment. DHT11 sensor gives the values of real-time temperature and humidity to Arduino Uno.
- Arduino uno displays these 2 values on a 16 by 2 LCD display.
- Arduino also checks if these 2 values cross their respective threshold values. If the threshold level is crossed then a buzzer and a relay are activated.
- SMS alert is sent to the user which contains the values of Temperature and/or Humidity.
- After a pre-defined periodic interval, the sensor data is sent over the cloud using IOT. The Arduino board establishes a connection to the internet using a GSM module. We have used the ThingSpeak IOT platform to receive, store, and display the values of temperature and humidity. Values are shown in the form of a Graph.
- GSM modem is used in this project which is used to send SMS as well as to send Temperature and Humidity data over IOT.
Software used in IOT based temperature and humidity monitoring system

- We have used Arduino IDE to write the embedded program for the IOT temperature and humidity monitoring project.
- Eagle PCB layout software is used to prepare the PCB layout of the IOT temperature and humidity monitoring system.
Block diagram of the IOT Temperature and Humidity monitoring system using Arduino project:

Applications of IOT Temperature and Humidity monitoring system
- Agriculture: Humidity and temperature monitoring is very important in the field of agriculture and farming. IoT-based humidity and temperature monitoring systems provide farmers with real-time and historical data to make proper decisions. This eventually helps in adjusting irrigation and ventilation systems, preventing crop diseases, maximizing crop growth, and optimizing harvesting.
- Hospitals and Healthcare: IoT-based humidity and temperature monitoring has an important application in hospitals, healthcare, laboratories, and pharmaceutical areas. These systems can help in the preservation of vaccines, medicines, and sensitive biological samples. Systems can alert staff in case of any temperature or humidity fluctuations and thus can avoid damage.
- Environmental Monitoring: We can use the IOT based system to monitor humidity and temperature in various environments, such as forests, greenhouses, or wildlife habitats. Scientists, ecologists, and conservationists can use this data to understand and manage ecosystems effectively.
Advantages of the project
- Since we have implemented wireless connectivity, users can remotely monitor the temperature and humidity data.
- We have provided a user-friendly interface to view and analyze the collected data on humidity and temperature.
- This system is cost-effective and can be easily replicated.