A light-dependent resistor (LDR) is used as a light sensor in the Low Light detector mini project. LDR is used as a light-intensity detector. Photoconductivity is the main working theory of light-dependent resistors. The resistance of LDR varies as per the intensity of light that falls on the sensor. LDR is interfaced with the microcontroller using a comparator. The comparator output is given to the 8051 microcontroller. Once the microcontroller detects that light intensity is below the threshold level then it turns on Buzzer. Also, the microcontroller displays the respective message on the LCD display.

₹ 2,600
Project Code: 1097

Description of the project:
The output of LDR is in analog format and the 8051 microcontroller can not read analog input. That’s why we use LM358 as a comparator.
Output device: In the current Low light level detector circuit, we have provided a Buzzer. This buzzer is turned on whenever the microcontroller detects a low light level. However, with a minor addition to the circuit, this circuit can be used to turn on any output device like a light bulb with the help of a relay.
Video of Low Light detector mini project
Applications of the Low Light Detector mini project
Applications: This low light detector mini project can be used in various industries where minimum light intensity is required for healthy working conditions for employees.
- This simple Low Light detector circuit has applications in various areas including industries, offices, schools, colleges, and our home.
- The low light detector mini project has applications in agriculture areas.
Block diagram of Low Light detector mini project: