LPG gas is commonly used in our homes for cooking purposes. LPG is used in school and college canteens; also it is used in various industries. Accidents never happen with a prior intimation. There are chances of gas leakage due to some negligence. In such cases, if leakage is not detected at an early stage, then it can create huge damage. LPG gas leakage detector using PIC microcontroller mini project can be used in such situations. This LPG leakage detector is implemented using a PIC18F microcontroller.

₹ 3,450
Project Code: 3092

Description of the project:
We have interfaced the MQ series gas sensor with a PIC18F4550 microcontroller. The output of the LPG gas sensor does not require any amplification so we have not used the amplifier in this project. The gas sensor output voltage is directly given to the PIC18F4550 microcontroller.
PIC18F4550 microcontroller can read the analog voltage from any sensor, so we have not used analog to digital converter IC in this project. PIC18F4550 can read 8 analog inputs. Out of these 8 inputs, we have used one analog input pin for the LPG gas sensor.
The PIC microcontroller reads the output of the LPG sensor which is converted to digital format because of the inbuilt analog-to-digital converter.
If the value is above a certain danger level then the PIC18F4550 microcontroller turns on the buzzer. We have used a piezoelectric buzzer in this project. This Buzzer helps in giving a smart alert in case of LPG leakage detection.
Video of the project
We have also provided a Relay in this project. Relay and Buzzer will be turned on simultaneously. This is an SPST relay, which means a single push single throw relay. This relay can be used to control/activate any AC or DC device. Right now, we have provided a small 12-volt buzzer in this project. However, the user can connect any big alarm or siren at the output of the relay. We have not connected any device at the output of this relay. This relay can be used to turn on any fan or blower. So if LPG gas leakage is detected then this fan or blower can reduce the content of gas in the surrounding environment.
LPG gas leakage detector and smart alert indication system are implemented in this mini-project. We have done LPG gas sensor interfacing with a PIC microcontroller in this PIC based project.
The value of LPG gas leakage is shown in percentage on the LCD display. We have used 16 by 2 alphanumeric LCD display. This LCD display shows the message as, “LPG gas leakage detected”, whenever the sensor value crosses the limit. This Liquid crystal display is optional. This project can also be operated without this LCD display.
Block Diagram of PIC microcontroller based LPG gas leakage detector mini project:

This project can be operated on a 12-volt battery or Transformer of 12 volts or above. This project can even be operated on AC or DC adapter. We provide a 15-volt transformer with this project. But you can replace the Transformer with a 12-volt battery or adapter. To do this, you don’t have to do anything in this circuit. You just need to remove the Transformer.
Advantages and Applications of this project:
- The main advantage of this mini project is its low cost. Many LPG gas leakage detectors available in the market cost high, so they are not used very wild widely.
- Once installed, this project does not require any maintenance.
- This project has domestic as well as industrial applications as LPG gas is used in our house as well as in industry.