Project Cost: 5,900
Project Code: 1170

Description of the project:
The Microcontroller based Data Logger project is a fine combination of analog and digital electronics. This project is designed to fulfill the requirements of industrial applications, and home applications. The project consists of parameter monitoring and parameter storage. The PC interface is one of the main features of the project in which various data like the value of parameters, date, and time are sent to the PC using a hyper terminal.
All Sensor projects use Microcontrollers as the controlling and processing units. Similarly, we have used Microcontroller as a main component of the project. Now a Microcontroller has become the main component of many electronic circuits. Also, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and EEPROM are used on a major basis for display and storage purposes. This project will consist of two basic modules. First is “Data Monitoring” & other is “Data Storage”
Video of the project: Microcontroller based Data Logger
A display unit will show the value of parameters. This will help the person to know the values, for this purpose we are going to use various sensors, which will be connected to ADC.
The other module is named parameter storage. It can be used to store the parameter values in the memory. We are going to use EEPROM memory IC. These values can later be seen using a keypad provided on the front panel. This system is useful as many times it’s difficult to measure the parameter values manually and also this module is more accurate than the domestic system.
Block Diagram:

You will get the following documents with this project:
- Project Report in pdf format and in doc (word) format
- Circuit diagram
- PCB layout
- Microcontroller program in assembly language
- Hex file of the microcontroller code
- Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project
Project Photographs:

Sensors used in Microcontroller based Data Logger project
- Temperature sensor: We have used LM35 as a temperature sensor. The sensor will be placed on the front panel. One can use an LCD display to read the temperature.
- Humidity Sensor: We have used SYHS220 to read the Humidity.
- Light sensor: We have used LDR as a light sensor.
- Soil moisture sensor: This sensor is used to read the value of moisture inside the soil.
Block Diagram Description:
- AMPLIFIER: We are going to use LM358 which is having 2 inbuilt amplifiers. We have used this Amplifier for the temperature sensor.
- ADC: We have used ADC0808 which is an 8-bit and 8-channel ADC. Since we have 4 inputs for ADC, we have used this ADC.
- LCD Display: Liquid Crystal Display which is commonly known as LCD is an Alphanumeric Display. It means that it can display Alphabet, Numbers as well as special symbols. LCD is a user-friendly display device that can be used for displaying various messages. Unlike the seven-segment display which can display only numbers and some of the alphabet. The only disadvantage of LCD over seven segments is that seven segments are a robust display and be visualized from a longer distance as compared to LCD. We have used a 16 x 2 Alphanumeric Display. That means on this display we can display two lines with a maximum of 16 characters in one line.
- EEPROM: We need to store the parameter values in some devices. The I2C bus is used for communication between 8051 and EEPROM. We have chosen EEPROM for this purpose as since it is a non-volatile memory and can hold data after power-off. We can use AT24C02/ AT24C04/ AT24C08/ AT24C16 depending on the memory size requirement.
- PC Interfacing: We are going to use MAX 232 for the purpose of PC interfacing, using this module, we can send various data like temperature, Humidity of the water to the PC.
- MICRO-CONTROLLER (89S52): This is the most important segment of the project, i.e. the microcontroller 8052. We have used the AT89s52 microcontroller. The controller is responsible for the detection and polling of the peripheral’s status. It is responsible for making. It is responsible for prioritizing all the devices attached to it. It is the major part of the system which controls all the operations of the circuit such as LCD interfacing, and square wave generation. It also decides the messages to be displayed on the LCD along with the time duration for which they should be displayed on the LCD. The microcontroller also decides the frequency of square wave output.
- Keypad: We need to display the previous records. So we are going to use a Keypad for this purpose. This keypad can perform various actions mentioned below:
- Display previous records
- Erase previous records
- Set the periodic interval time
- Send data to PC
- Set date and time
The time difference between 2 records is decided by microcontroller software (currently set to 5 minutes). The speed with which data is sent to the computer (baud rate) is decided by microcontroller software(currently set to 9600 bps)
Applications and Advantages of Microcontroller based Data Logger:
This electronic circuit can be used for the following application:
- To calculate and store the temperature and humidity of a boiler in the industry.
- To store the flow of the water flowing from the dam or a canal
- To monitor/display the level of the liquid inside the container
- Also, this system communicates with a PC and sends various data like the level of humidity, liquid flow, and temperature of the water.
Future Development:
- We can implement GSM technology to send this data to some remote locations.
- We can draw graphs on a computer and then send this data through the internet.
Questions and answers about this project:
Question: I need Wind Speed data logging along with the other 3 as mentioned.
Answer: Wind speed is not available immediately, but it can be done using IR sensor or optical sensors.
can we implement RTC In it. can we make it as event loogger
Hi Pavan, yes we can add real time clock. In this project, we have used internal clock of microcontroller (using internal timers) We have not added RTC to reduce the complexity of circuit.
i want to build data logger using avr at mega 16 &temp. ldr &humidi ty sensors. Will u make it
In need of a 16 Channel Data Logger, Kindly mail me your Mail id so that i can send you the Requirement and you can modify your projuct for my use easily. I need 10 Such Components. Thanks
we are a group of 4 members, and we are working on this project. can we get only the programmed MICROCONTROLLER?
I would like to purchase the Microcontroller based Data Logger. I live in South Africa. Can you tell me how long it would take to courier it to me and the price in Rands? Would it be possible to program the microcontroller in C?
. We have a Device working with PIC30F2010 which shows parameters on LCD Display . We want to moniter data and storage data which is coming from PIC30F2010 Microcontroller .We want to send this data through GSM
sir….may the data can be stored in flash memory like pen drive….can u make this project. ..?
Hi Pradeep, yes this can be done. Now a days we get Pen drive interfacing modules. So we can use it to store the data in flash memory.
Is it possible to provide the code of the program in kiel -C instead of assembly language, if I purchase the project ?