Project Cost: 6,300
Project Code: 1230

Download the synopsis of the project
Description of the project:
There are many Sensor Based Projects for Engineering Students. Out of these projects, the Monitor and Control of Greenhouse Environment project is used to measure various parameters like Temperature, Humidity, Light, and soil moisture. The microcontroller displays these parameters on an LCD. Temperature, Humidity, Soil moisture, and Light are sensed by respective sensors. The sensor output of Temperature is in millivolts so it is amplified using an amplifier. The output of the amplifier and the output of the other 3 sensors, are given to the Analog to Digital Converter ADC. Greenhouse monitoring and controlling have important applications in the agricultural field.
The microcontroller controls these parameters and keeps them below predefined levels using relay interface and motor drivers. These relays can be connected to Fan/Heater and DC motors can be connected to respective devices. For demo purposes, we have connected a 12 volt DC fan and a 12 volt DC bulb and two 12 volt DC motors. Values of temperature, humidity, light and soil moisture are sent to a computer through the serial port. These values can be displayed on PC using hyper terminal.
Video of the project: Monitor and Control of Greenhouse Environment
Block Diagram of Greenhouse monitoring and controlling:

You will get the following documents with this project:
- Project Report in pdf format and in word format ( .doc or .docx )
- Circuit diagram
- PCB layout
- Microcontroller Program in assembly language
- Hex file of the microcontroller code
- Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project
- Power point presentation / PPT file
Photographs of the Greenhouse monitoring and controlling project:

A detailed description of Monitor and Control of Greenhouse Environment:
Various important blocks of this project are mentioned below:
- Sensors: we are going to use temperature sensor, humidity sensor and light sensor to sense temperature humidity and light respectively. Metal thin rods or wires are used to sense soil moisture. These sensors sense the parameters and gives corresponding voltage output.
- Amplifier: As the voltage output from the sensors is in miliVolts, it has to be increased to 0 to 5 volts range. We are going to use linear amplifier for this purpose.
- ADC: The main part of our project is microcontroller which reads only digital input. (0V & 5V) But the output of Amplifier is in analog form, so it has to be converted into digital format, for this purpose we are going to use ADC to convert analog output from amplifier into the digital output to be given to microcontroller
- Relay: We have used 2 relays in our project. First one will be turned on when the temperature goes above the desired value. And the second relay will be turned on when humidity goes above the desired value. (e.g. if the desired value of temperature is 35 degree C and for humidity it is 50%, then Relay 1 will be turned on when temperature is 36 or above and Relay 2 will be turned on when humidity is 51 or above)
- DC Motors: We are going to use two 12 volt DC motors. First DC motor will be turned on when Light goes above threshold level. Second DC motor will be turned on when Soil moisture goes below threshold level.
- PC Interfacing: We are going to use max 232 IC for pc interfacing, the values of temperature and light will be sent to pc when the key is pressed
The function of microcontroller in Greenhouse monitoring and controlling system:
A microcontroller is the CPU (central processing unit) of a greenhouse project. We have used the 89s51 microcontroller which is from the 8051 family. Below are the various functions of a microcontroller:
- Reading the digital input from ADC which is derived from Temperature and Light sensors.
- Sending this data to LCD so that the person operating this project should read the values of temperature and light.
- Controlling the parameters like Temperature, light, turning On/Off the respective relays IV. Sending the values of temperature and light to the computer using a serial port
Applications and Advantages of Monitor and Control of Greenhouse Environment project:
- Can be used in greenhouses to control the temperature, soil moisture, humidity and light for the proper growth of plants.
- With little modification, this project can be used in Mechanical companies to measure various parameters of operating machines like temperature and light.
- Temperature monitoring and controlling action can be used in a home or various halls like conference rooms, and seminar halls to control the temperature of the room.
Future Development:
- We can monitor more parameters like Humidity, PH of soil, pressure, and water level and at the same time control them
- This data can be sent to a remote location using mobile or the internet.
- We can draw graphs of variations in these parameters using a computer
Questions and answers related to the Greenhouse monitoring project:
Question: I need some modifications to the project. If possible make sensors wireless. It should behave a good big life and good protection from high voltage. An isolating switch should be there in every control. Can you implement these changes?
Answer: It seems that you need to use it for actual use in the greenhouse. Our projects are educational projects and are for educational purposes.
how can i order the product?
Hi Sristipal Singh Bhatia, You will get an assembled and working project. We send project by courier. You have to make payment into our SBI bank account. You can deposit cash or cheque or by online transfer. It will take 7 days to reach project to you.
which kind of system is in use nowadays? and why u specifically go for this microcontroller based system?
Hi HemalathaRavikumar, now a days some greenhouse systems are using manually controlled devices. The farmers or persons operating it are very well aware of environment situations. They know when to turn on the fan or heater and during which time period of day. But now some greenhouse system have started using automatic controlling systems.
my project is monitor and control green house environments. this project is 4 sensor use .its avalaible your project
I want to add soil & humidity sensor to this project I can get this project with this sensors .I need 4 sensor i.e.soil(copper probes),humidity(HIH4000),temp(LM35),light(LDR)
Thanks for you Give us more detail Information about the greenhouse controlling Embedded project. I am a student in Computer Science,I want to do a project in this title but I have not detail in Proteus VSM and how to write a code for that using keil. Code u attach some Hint please to my email addressThanks.
how this project control the green house effect??? plz..rply fast…
pls can u ecplain hw to use wireless sensor networking to achieve ds project. and also ur price should be listed in us dollars
Good day! I’m Karen Ivy Ligad from Surigao City, Philippines. I am interested with your product. I would like to know the shipping fee and the total package. I would like also to know how many days does it take before it reach Philippines.
Hoping for your immediate response. Thank you!
Sir u mentioned above that Values of temperature and light are send to a computer through serial port. These values can be displayed on PC using hyper terminal. K bt can they display on lcd?
i am student doing computer science and i am interested in greenhouse control projects specifically using pic 16f877 for final year.
I want to control temperature,humidity and pressure.i need ideas and if i am purchasing how much is it in us$ i.e.
I want to add a solar panel into these project and also an rain water harvesting system
can you add a soil moisture & humidity sensor in your project. you have add a this four sensor (1)Lm35(2)Ldr(3)HMTR1D(4)IM121017001 Using this for sensor and made a project usin pic microcontroller i will purches your project
Hi Hardik Kundariya, We have implemented soil moisture & humidity sensor in this project. For PIC microcontroller related inquiries please email us.
i will purchase your project
please give me some information about pic controller
Please I want to know if you can only use the humidity sensor only for this project and how will you go about that.
Hi Ansu-Endeavour Oppong, yes we can provide this project using only humidity sensor.
I want to use arduino instead of mocrocontroller but i dont know what are the advantages and disadvantages of using arduino and microcontroller.can u tell me about that?
You can use Arduino in this project, advantage of Arduino is that it has inbuilt ADC – Analog to Digital convertor.