If the smoke caused due to fire is detected at the initial stage then the fire can be controlled. And we can avoid the huge damage which is caused by the Fire. This fire alarm circuit using the PIC microcontroller project will help in smoke detection at an early stage by giving a smart alert with the help of a buzzer connected to the project. A smoke alarm is implemented using a Buzzer in a PIC microcontroller based Smoke detector mini project.

₹ 3,450
Project Code: 3093

Introduction of the project:
Description of the PIC microcontroller based Smoke detector mini project:
PIC Microcontroller-based smoke detector mini project is implemented using a PIC18F series Microcontroller. The main component of this project is the smoke sensor interfacing with PIC. The smoke detector mini project using the PIC Microcontroller is implemented by interfacing the MQ series sensor with the PIC18F series Microcontroller. In this mini-project, we have used PIC18F4550 Microcontroller.
PIC18F4550 has an inbuilt analog-to-digital converter that can read the output from any analog sensor. External analog-to-digital converter is not required because the PIC18F4550 Microcontroller has an inbuilt ADC. The smoke sensor interfaced in this mini project gives analog output. We have connected the smoke sensor output to pin number AN0 of the PIC Microcontroller. The inbuilt ADC of the PIC controller converts the analog input to the respective digital output.
Video of the PIC based Smoke Detector project:
In this mini-project, have interfaced an LCD display with PIC Microcontroller. The LCD display shows the percentage of smoke detected or the percentage of smoke present in the surrounding environment. PIC18F microcontroller reads the digital value from the inbuilt ADC and then it converts it into the respective percentage value and it displays the present value on the LCD display.
PIC18F4550 microcontroller also compares the output of the sensor with the threshold limit. Once the output of the analog sensor crosses the permissible limit then it gives alerts people in the nearby area. So that people using microcontroller based smoke alarm systems come to know about the smoke present in that area.
We have also interfaced Relay with the PIC microcontroller. Right now we have not connected any device to the relay. This relay can be interfaced with any device, for example, if the user wants to turn on the fan or a blower to reduce the smoke. Or if the user operating this project wants to turn on a big siren then he/she can use this relay to activate the respective device.
Block Diagram of PIC microcontroller based Smoke detector mini project:

Hardware specifications of fire detector and alarm system:
- PIC18F4550 – which is a PIC18F series microcontroller
- LPG Gas sensor
- LCD display, Buzzer, Relay
- Transformer, Voltage regulator, bridge rectifier, filter capacitor
- Resistor, capacitor, crystal, LED
- PICKIT2 programmer
Software used in this project
- Microchip MPLAB IDE
- Eagle PCB layout software
PIC Based smoke Alarm project has a 15-volt Transformer, to generate the power supply. However, a Fire detection system using a Smoke sensor project can be operated on a 12-volt battery. You can remove the Transformer and you can connect a 12-volt battery to this project.
We have implemented various PIC micorcontroller based projects using sensors. This smoke detector mini project using a pic controller can be used in our homes or shops. Smoke detection projects can also be used in shopping malls or organizations or manufacturing companies.
Advantages of the PIC microcontroller based Smoke detector mini project:
- This is a Simple Fire security system using a PIC microcontroller and it is implemented using minimum required components.
- The main advantage is this mini project is a low-cost smoke detection detector circuit. It can be implemented at various places with minimum investment.
Future development for PIC microcontroller based Smoke detector and fire alarm system:
We can add a temperature sensor and an LPG gas sensor to this project. This project can be used for industrial fault detection using a PIC microcontroller.