SMS based Electronic Notice board using GSM modem

Project Cost: 9,900

Project Code: 1665

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Description of the project:

SMS based Electronic Notice board using GSM modem has a Display made up of matrix LEDs. The wireless message board can be used to display informative messages, notices, or announcements. These messages can be changed by sending an SMS from our mobile. GSM based wireless notice board will display the message which is sent by the user.

Size, Dimensions, and LEDs of Rolling display:

  • Actual Size of Matrix LED display = 360mm x 60 mm
  • Total LEDs in the Matrix LED display = 384 LEDs
  • Columns (Height) = 8 LEDs and Rows (Width) = 48 LEDs

Block Diagram of SMS based Electronic Notice board:

You will get the following documents with this project:

  1. Project Report in pdf format and in word format ( .doc or .docx )
  2. Circuit diagram
  3. PCB layout
  4. Microcontroller Program in assembly language
  5. Hex file of the microcontroller code
  6. Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project
  7. Power point presentation / PPT file

Project Photographs:

Description in detail:

Various important blocks of the system are:

  1. Microcontroller
  2. GSM modem
  3. Matrix Display
  4. LCD Display

Applications of SMS based Electronic Notice board using GSM modem:

  1. This project can be used in Industries, offices, Shops, Colleges, Schools, and University campuses.

Advantages of SMS based Electronic Notice board using GSM modem:

  1. This project is easy to use.

Future Development:

  1. We can provide a voice feedback system.

Video of the project: SMS based Electronic Notice board using GSM modem

YouTube video coming soon… Video for this project is not available right now, we are planning to upload a video soon. Meanwhile, you can watch a video of a similar project Android controlled Electronic Notice Board using Matrix LED

Questions and answers about this project:

Question: How many characters we can display? What is the maximum length of the rolling display?

Answer : Maximum length is 50 characters.

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