Project Cost: 8,200
Project Code: 1654

This project is also available in: 8051, AVR, PIC18F, Arduino
Description of the project:
SMS based Fire detection system using Smoke and Temperature sensor has applications in many areas like Industries, Companies, Offices, Shopping malls, and even at our home. This project has a Smoke sensor and a temperature sensor to detect fire. The fire detection system sends an SMS to the user when anyone these sensors cross the threshold value. We have provided a Buzzer that turns on when an SMS alert is sent to the user.
Block Diagram:

You will get the following documents with this project:
- Project Report in pdf format and in word format ( .doc or .docx )
- Circuit diagram
- PCB layout
- Microcontroller Program in assembly language
- Hex file of the microcontroller code
- Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project
- Power point presentation / PPT file
Project Photographs:

Description in detail:
Various important blocks of the system are:
- Smoke sensor
- Temperature sensor
- Analog to digital converter
- Microcontroller
- LCD Display
- GSM modem
- Buzzer
Applications of SMS based Fire detection system using Smoke and Temperature sensor:
- This project can be used in Industries, Shopping malls, and offices.
Advantages of SMS based Fire detection system using Smoke and Temperature sensor:
- This project is easy to use.
Future Development:
- We can replace the microcontroller with the Arduino board.
- Also, we can replace the GSM modem with a Bluetooth transmitter. So that this project will be transformed into Arduino & Android based fire detection system using smoke & temperature sensor.
- We can provide a voice feedback system.
Video of the project: SMS based Fire detection system using Smoke and Temperature sensor
YouTube video coming soon. The video for this project is not available right now, we are planning to upload a video soon. Meanwhile, you can watch a video of a similar project Arduino-based LPG Leakage detector with an SMS indication.
Question: What is the use of Buzzer?
Answer: Buzzer will intimate the user about fire detection.
thanks,i really appreciate.please am working on authentication for physically impaired persons in the voting system,i would really appreciate some advice
Hi Paschal, please email us your detailed requirements.
Can we have this project without smoke sensor ? We mean just a switch at the place of smoke sensor with equivalent resistor value, if yes ,then what is the cost price for the project?
Hi concept, as per your requirement we can implement this project without smoke sensor. Price will reduce by INR 350 if we replace smoke sensor by switch.
Please is there a way we can connect a GPS to the project and how can it be done.
I have two questions….
1/ Can the GSM modem send sms alert to multiple phones?
2/ Can the GSM modem send sms to another GSM modem? If yes can you explain please…