Project Cost: 5,700
Project Code: 1275

Download the Synopsis of the project
Description of the project:
Many Sensor Based Projects for Engineering Students are designed to solve problems in our life. Speed checker and Overspeed detection projects also serve the same purpose. Nowadays we hear news about accidents on Highways very frequently. And in most cases, the main reason for accidents is Overspeed. Although all highways do have signboards indicating the maximum speed limit for the sake of driver’s safety, still people do not obey the highway speed limit.
The project mentioned here is “Speed checker and over speed detector for Highways”. This project is designed and developed by taking into consideration the problem mentioned above. We have used two sensors in this project. These sensors detect the vehicle’s speed. The condition is that the two sensors should be installed at a distance of 100 meters apart from one another.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD display) is connected to this project. This display will show the vehicle’s speed. It will also intimate the user if the vehicle speed crossed the maximum speed limit or not. The project also has a Buzzer. Overspeed condition is indicated by turning on the Buzzer.
Block Diagram:

You will get the following documents with this project:
- Project Report in doc (word) format
- Circuit diagram
- PCB layout
- Microcontroller program in assembly language
- Hex file of the Microcontroller code
- Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project
Photographs of Speed checker and Overspeed detection project:

A detailed description of Speed checker and Overspeed detection:
As mentioned above, this project has two sensors. Here is the working of the project: A timer is started inside the microcontroller whenever a low pulse is received on the first sensor. Then microcontroller waits for a pulse from the second sensor. The timer is stopped whenever a low pulse is received on the second receiver.
Then the microcontroller calculates the speed. The formula used to calculate speed is:
Speed = Distance / Time
Here in this project, Formula is interpreted as,
Vehicle Speed = Distance between 2 sensors / Time taken by the timer
This project contains the following blocks:
- Microcontroller – We have used an 89s51 microcontroller which is an 8051 series microcontroller.
- Sensors – We have used IR sensors i.e. IR transmitters and IR receivers.
Applications and Advantages of Speed checker and Overspeed detection:
1. This can be used on Highways (National Highways, State level Highways).
2. This project can also be used inside university campus areas or inside any company’s premises.
Future Development:
- We can add a CCTV Camera that can be placed on the highway. If any vehicle has crossed the maximum speed limit then this camera will be triggered to take a picture of the vehicle.
- We can interface a voice announcement system in the Overspeed detection project. It will intimate the driver that he/she has crossed the Overspeed condition.
- We can implement the GSM technology. So that the nearest highway security authorities will be informed about the vehicle which has Overspeed.
Video of the project:
YouTube video link coming soon.
Questions and answers about this project:
Question: Does this project have applications other than Highways? Where can we use this project other than Highways?
Answer : Though the major application is for speed detection on highways, you can use it for internal roads in city or even on internal roads inside a university campus, educational campus, society etc.
Question: Why have you used 2 sensors? Can this project be implemented using 1 sensor?
Answer : No, 2 sensors are required. First to start the timer and second to stop the timer.
Sir, in case there is high traffic density i.e., number of vehicles travelling are very large, then how speed detection take place ?
Hi Gurwinder Singh,
Every project/system has some limitations, and yes, this project has some limitation for counting speed in high traffic. But there is one overcome to avoid such situations.
Solution for this: The arrangement to place the 2 sensors should be made in such a way that only one vehicle can pass through it. Some sections like toll plaza or toll collection booths can be made on highway where these sensors can be placed and only 1 vehicle can pass through these area. This way we detect the speed even when the number of vehicles are large in high traffic region.
i jst wanna buy this project..bt in pune frm where can i buy this project..and what is the actual cost of this project..we can get the fully project which is made by u…or u wil give us components?.
can this project work in two way traffic? If not then how can this project be implemented to detect and check speed of vehicles coming from both the directions.
If a case occurs where a slow moving vehicle crosses first sensor and before it can cross second sensor, another fast moving vehicle crosses the two sensor points. How can we detect the particular vehicle and how can we calculate speed if such case arises?
we can use camera instead of buzzer
if i want to modify the speed limitation of the vehicle’s detection speed i mean if suppose this circuit has been designed for vehicles exceeding 50-60 km’s(say)
now,if want this circuit to be detect the vehicle when it crosses 70 km’s.. then what are the modifications to be made in the circuit..??
is it able to use this project on a dual lane
In case a vehicle stops between 2 checkpoints,how the formula is satisfied?
why you have used only one micro controller , can we use 2 micro controllers to implement this project?
cSir, an we use the PIC12F877 instead if 8051 series as a microcontroller.
How can we detect when two vechiles goes with simultaneously on high ways ,,how can it detectt???
How do you implement gsm technology to this project and how much it will cost?