Touchscreen based Ordering System for Restaurants

Touchscreen based Ordering System for RestaurantsTouchscreen based Ordering System for Restaurants

Project Cost: 11,400

Project Code: 1911

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A touchscreen panel is provided on the customer table with a wireless transmitter. The computer display in Kitchen will have a wireless receiver. Orders placed from Touchscreen based Ordering System for Restaurants are displayed on the Computer

Description of Touchscreen based Ordering System for Restaurants:

Many times in hotels we have to wait for a waiter to give our order for food. This creates problems when there is a rush in hotels, especially in festival seasons and generally on weekends. The main intention of our project is to avoid such problems and to give solutions to such problems. In this project, a Touchscreen panel will be placed on every table. Whenever customers come to their table then they will select the desired order menus from the touchscreen.

For example: suppose users have selected menu no 1,5,3 and so on and once he/she is done then he/she can press enter/confirm key. At this time information will be sent to the kitchen of the hotel. All this information will be displayed on a computer display. For this purpose, we have used a wireless RF transmitter at the customer table side. And wireless RF receiver at the kitchen side. So orders will be directly sent to the kitchen and users don’t have to wait for the waiter. And at the same time LCD will display the total billed amount directly to the user.

Video of the project: Touchscreen based Ordering System for Restaurants

Touch screen size = 2.2inch x 2.75inch (55mm x 70mm)

Print out paper placed under the Touch screen

Please Note: We have NOT provided any Graphical LCD or LCD display under the touch screen, because this is a low-cost version of the touch screen project. We are simply going to put a printout paper under the Touchscreen. Printout paper will have 7 menus and a confirm button printed on it. This will help to reduce the cost, so here we can assume that the orders of the hotels are fixed and can be displayed under the one touch screen.

Block Diagram:

You will get the following documents with this project:

  1. Project Report in pdf format and in doc (word) format
  2. Circuit diagram
  3. PCB layout
  4. Microcontroller program in assembly language
  5. Hex file of the microcontroller code
  6. Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project

Project Photographs:

Receiver section

Description in detail:

The main blocks used in this project are a Touch screen, LCD display, RF transmitter, RF receiver, Buzzer, and PC interfacing:

  1. Touchscreen: We have used resistive type of touch screen panel. Dimensions of touch screen are 55mm x 70mm and thickness is 1.5mm. This touch screen has various layers inside. Whenever any person touches this resistive screen then it gives variable analog voltage. Touch screen used in this project gives out put using serial communication protocol and it is in terms of X, Y and Z co-ordinates. So we can say X is length parameter, Y is width parameter and Z is the pressure with which touch is applied on the touch screen. We can use our fingers or any stylus to give the input to touch screen. We have divided the screen into multiple parts by drawings row and columns on the paper placed under touch screen. So let us say, we have 4 columns and 2 rows so it will have 8 sections under it. Now the width and length is 55 mm by 80 mm then accordingly X and Y co-ordinates will change as per change in your touch on the touch screen and accordingly the output data will vary.
  2. LCD display: First thing, we want to make clear that this LCD display is NOT placed under the touchscreen panel. This LCD display is placed separate from the touch screen. We have placed a simple printout paper under the touch screen. LCD display is used to show a various messages to users. These various messages are like project title or the project name, then the message like “Please select the menu”. Once the user has selected various option then the LCD will display the menus you have selected are option 5, option 9, option 2, Please press enter to confirm. And once the user has pressed enter key, the LCD will display your order is confirmed and has been sent to the hotel kitchen unit. We have used 16 by 2 LCD which means we can display 16 characters on one line and there are two lines on the display.
  3. Computer interfacing: Computer interfacing is used so that the person/chef in the kitchen can view order given by customer. Computer interfacing is done using serial communication. We are going to use RS232 protocol and we are to going to use HyperTerminal software on the computer. Terminal software will be provided in CD as well. User can use this software to view the orders placed through the touch screen panel. It will simply display the option like table no. X has order A,B,C and D for example Table no 3 has the following orders option 1, option 2, option 3, and option 4.
  4. RF transmitter
  5. RF receiver
  6. LPG Gas sensor
  7. Comparator
  8. Buzzer

9) Microcontroller: This is the important block of the project. We can say that microcontroller is the heart of the system or it is the central processing unit of the complete system. A microcontroller performs the following various operations:

  • Reads the input from the touchscreen panel
  • Calculates the exact location where touch was applied
  • Finds menu from these co-ordinates
  • Sends the data to LCD display
  • Sends the data to a wireless transmitter
  • Calculates the final bill amount and displays on LCD.

Receiver unit / Computer display:

Upon receiving the command from the wireless receiver unit, Computer will display the order in the following format:

Table No. 1 Order details:

  • Coffee
  • Sandwich
  • Pizza

Applications of Touchscreen based Ordering System for Restaurants:

  1. Touch screen based Wireless ordering projects can be used in hotels for customers. By using this project customers can give orders immediately.
  2. With a little bit of modification, this project can be used in the library. In some libraries, users are not allowed to enter the library. In this case, if any user needs books then he/she has to give book names to the librarian. Then the librarian finds out the books and gives them to the user. In such situations, this project can be used by the users of the library. They can select books they want to order and they can press confirm button. Then the information of the book will be displayed on the computer of the librarian.


  1. It reduces customers’ waiting time. So customers don’t have to wait for the waiter to take their order. Thus it saves time.
  2. This project is users friendly and fast.

Future Development:

  1. We can add a graphical LCD (also called GLCD) under this touch screen. Thus this project will become more interactive. Users can select option 1 and then the sub-option under option 1 will be displayed.
  2. We can add a printer to this project so users can immediately get printouts of the bill. If the users want a printout then he/she can select the option to get the printout.

Questions and answers about this project:

Question: What is the maximum distance between the customer’s table and the kitchen?

Answer: As per the datasheet of RF transmitter and RF receiver, maximum distance without obstacle is 50 meters.

View Comments

  • sir this is Nagaraju i am from hyderabad. i am willing to marketing your products. why because we are having many engineering collages data so we are ready to do the marketing.

    • Hi AKP, free delivery is applicable only in India. Extra shipping charges are applicable for delivery out of India.

    • Hi Effia, as mentioned in the description we have used microcontroller touchscreen wireless RF transmitter receiver computer interfacing serial port cable LCD display

    • LPG gas sensor is at the receiver side. Which is kept inside the kitchen. If there is LPG has leakage then it will be detected by sensor.

    • Hi Nur Khan, yes we can deliver to Myanmar. For shipping charges, please email us your detailed address.
