Project Cost: 8,400
Project Code: 1065

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Description of the project:
The main concept behind Voice controlled wireless Electronic notice board using a rolling display is to show scrolling messages and to control them by using our own voice. We have already seen GSM based Electronic Notice board, however, speech controlled Notice board has the additional advantage of the ease of use. The user has to give voice commands in his/her own voice to control the scrolling messages displayed on the electronic notice board.
Voice recognition is done in the Android application. The user has to install this Android application on his/her smartphone or tablet. Then the user has to give voice commands to this android app. The android app then passes these commands to the microcontroller using wireless communication. It means the user doesn’t have to go near the Electronic notice board to change the scrolling message. The wireless communication technique used in this project is Bluetooth technology.
Messages to be displayed are stored in Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. EEPROM memory holds data even after the circuit is reset. The microcontroller receives these commands with the help of a Bluetooth receiver and decoder. Then it passes these commands to the Rolling display which is made up of Matrix LEDs.
Video of the Voice controlled wireless Electronic notice board using Android mobile project
Authentication of the electronic notice board
What if anyone connects to the Bluetooth device and can control the message on the Notice board using an Android application?
Answer: The owner of the Voice-controlled Electronic Notice board should not disclose the password or 4-digit pin required to connect the Bluetooth device to the Android application. Another alternative or we can say the future scope of this project is User should send a password first and then the actual message to be displayed on the “Rolling display”.
The dimension of the rolling display is 376mm by 72 mm
The complete Rolling display is made up of 6 blocks of individual matrix LEDs. A single matrix display is made up of 8 by 8 LEDs. It means 8 rows and 8 columns of LED which makes it 64 LEDs in one block. So in total, there are 48 columns and 8 rows of LEDs. All LEDs are Red in color.
Description in detail:
Various important blocks of the system are:
- Android application to detect voice commands: Android app on a smartphone or tablet will be used for speech recognition.
- Bluetooth receiver and decoder: This device is used to interact with the Android application.
- Microcontroller: We have used an 89s51 microcontroller which is an 8051 series microcontroller. It interacts with Bluetooth receiver, LCD display, and rolling display. In short, it is the heart of the system.
- Rolling Display: This is the main display unit, which shows various scrolling messages.
- LCD display: It shows various messages. It is an optional device in this project and is just used for testing purposes.
- EEPROM: E2PROM memory is used to store the message. EEPROM holds the data even after power failure. An I2C communication protocol is used for interfacing 8051 with EEPROM.
Photographs of the Voice controlled wireless Electronic notice board project

Applications and Advantages of the project:
There are many Applications of Electronic Notice Board Control By Human Voice, a few of them are listed below:
- An advanced wireless notice board can be used in public transportation areas like Bus stations, Railway stations, and even at Airports.
- Voice operated electronic notice board finds their main application in educational premises like schools, colleges, and university campuses. It can be used to display information like exam schedules, notice, event notifications, and exam result announcements.
- The main Advantage of Speech controlled electronic notice board is that the Wireless Notice board is easy to install and easy to use.
- Speech controlled rolling display is really helpful for disabled people or handicapped people
Future enhancements:
Voice-Controlled Devices for Smart homes are in huge demand. We can add a few of the below features to this project to make it future-ready.
- We can add a feedback system in the Android app. So that user can get feedback on the action
- We can implement a password so that any other person can not control the system.
You will get the following documents with this project:
- Project Report in pdf format and in word format ( .doc or .docx )
- Circuit diagram
- PCB layout
- Microcontroller Program in assembly language
- Hex file of the microcontroller code
- Datasheets of all the components / ICs used in the project
- Powerpoint presentation / PPT file
- Android Application installation file ( .apk file)
Block Diagram of Voice controlled wireless Electronic notice board project

Question: What is the range of wireless communication for rolling displays?
Answer: Range depends on Bluetooth device, generally Bluetooth device has a 10-meter range.
hello good day. I would like to purchase this project and I am from Southeast asia. I just want to know how many words or combination that this project can recognize or process? Is there any limitation?please reply
Android application will be specifie?? N can we replace Bluetooth or any other alternative to increase the range of Bluetooth…n coding for pic microcontroler is necessary?? Can u do this requirements… Please reply
There is no specific android app. You can use any other available, but you need to change microcontroller program accordingly. We can replace bluetooth by Zigbee (XBee). Also, we can replace 8051 by PIC.
Can we display message in writing and voice both using through android??🤔🤔
for long distance communication can we use gsm instead of bluetooth
Hi Rajitha, we have already used GSM modules in place of Bluetooth for long distance communication.
If multiple persons want to use the single display at a time ,which person’s commands it will.
This project has BlueTooth receiver, and it connects to only 1 smartphone at a time. So command can be given only from 1 smartphone at a time. If 2 person wants to use this project then they have to do it one after the other.
How many characters can it display
To display more characters what we should do